Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Fans of the very awesome series Arakawa Under the BridgexBridge will recall the legendary treasure guarded by the Amazoness and the , ガリガリ様/Garigari-sama. I kinda figured it's a parody of something well known in Japan (from the Saitama Prefecture!), but didn't think I'd be able to actually try it.

Until today.

The "Samurai Blue" flavoured ice treat from Arakawa is based on ガリガリ君/Garigari-kun (from the Saitama Prefecture!). I have to say, it really is and in the mouth~

The website also has a section describing the manufacture process. The specialized ガリガリ君 machine can make 21,000 ガリガリ君 in one hour! That's enough ガリガリ君 to almost last a life time! XD

*gremz* オゾン層

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I was watching Blood-C ep.2 when these interesting looking pink squares appeared on screen. They looked sponge-like and resembled marshmallows, but I wanted to be sure.

Off to Wikipedia! XD

Turned out that ギモーヴ is Guimauve, which is the French word for the marshmallow plant (which is no longer used in the production of marshmallow as we know it).

For us North Americans, marshmallows usually are soft-edged, cylinder-like, and often white. So it was no wonder that my interest was piqued by the pink squares in the anime. A quick search will show you all the colours and flavours available in the land of the rising sun. I think we're missing out in the land of the maple tree.

There's a part in the article describing that when the Fuugetsudou store first manufactured and sold marshmallow in Japan back in 1892, it advertised it as 真珠麿, which kinda affixed "pearl" to the name and was a direct translation based on pronunciation (マシュマロ/mashuumaro). The first thing that came to my mind when I read this? 真朱/Mashuu and 公麿/Kimimaro from C. さすが親子~ XD

*gremz* リサイクル

Monday, August 29, 2011

Since late last week, I noticed that my sandals were starting to make funny noises. When I checked today, sure enough, there's cracks and even holes on the bottom.

This called for immediate action.

So I got another pair of sandals right after work. In fact, it's the exact same style of the one I worn out, except it's a different colour and half a size smaller. This time, though, I was not being lazy and just went with the same style because I didn't want to try out other ones. It was meant to be. XD

Apparently, the store I go to for casual footwear carries different types of shoes depending on the season. August (well, September...), unfortunately, spells fall and even winter boots for the store. The sales clerk directed me to one small end cap where the clearance flip flops were, and it was the only pair of sandals there.

It was just slightly tight when I tried it on, but I'm sure it'll loosen to my size after a bit of wear. The current pair was bought 0.25 size bigger anyway, so it should fit fine. Hopefully the black won't clash too much with my jeans. Not that I really care. :Q

Mission goal: accomplished!

I'll start wearing my new pair of sandals to work tomorrow! :D

As for my current pair, it's time for it to retire. It's really worn out (and looks very much it) after roughly 12 months of daily use (got it April or May last year), so it's fulfilled its life mission.

I might go look for another pair so I don't wear out this one so soon. Although it may be a little too late to find sandals now that fall is already on the horizon...

*gremz* 地球温暖化

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Google Puzzle

I tried The Google Puzzle earlier and was stuck for almost an hour before finally googling for solution, only to find that I did get the correct answer. But because I skipped a step and got to the answer itself directly, it wouldn't take my solution... orz

While I was stuck, I tried both the English and Japanese versions of the puzzle to see if one of them would take my answer. Turned out that except for the 1st puzzle which made use of Google Map, the other four puzzles were different for the two versions. I had a good chuckle when I got to the schedule puzzle for the Japanese version. XD

*gremz* ゴミ分別

BLEACH DS 4th:フレイム・ブリンガー pt.2

I mentioned beating this game completely last year, and I just did it again today. ヽ(`д´)ノ

With so many things piling up and waiting for me to watch/read/play/build, why did I spend almost another 19 hours replaying a game I beat completely? Well, I played the game ROM last year, but I got a new copy of the game in LA so I had to do it. XD

I also decided that I'll focus on the ROM games on DS now, instead of playing the cartridge games. And here's why.

Even though the 3DS is region-locked, it doesn't seem to be the same case for its backward compatibility for DS games. So I'll still be able to play my cartridge games on the 3DS (with bigger screens as well since I only have a DS Lite), but the ROM games can only be played on the DS through a hack.

Of course, ideally I wouldn't have to resort to the hack at all if all those Japanese games were readily available. Hopefully I'll find more games next time when I visit the west coast again.

*gremz* オゾン層

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


As noted before, neither Aniplex USA and NIS America have distribution channels in Canada, so us [real blue] Canadians need to order from our neighbour down south.

I was able to get the Arakawa Under the Bridge season 1 and part 1 of Katanagatari at AX this year (both were BD+DVD combo), but was out of luck for part 2 of Katanagatari and part 1 of Kimi ni Todoke since they were not released yet. There is also Ao no Exorcist and maybe Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Star Driver is hard to say, as Bandai releases most products to Canada as well, but not every product (e.g. Gundam Unicorn blu-ray).

While there's no word on the release date and format for Madoka and Star Driver yet, pre-orders for the other four have been up on RightStuf, and I've been tempted to plunge in numerous times.

But I decided today that I will not do it, as least for the time being, as much as I'd like to. And here's why.

KimiTodo is a really good high school romance series, but half of the series doesn't warrant $44 when it's just DVD, and the animation and art aren't spectacular enough to make me want the art book included in the premium edition. I will wait for the standard edition.

(On the other hand, $60 at the AX for each of the BD+DVD premium edition of Arakawa and Katanagatari part 1 was well worth it. The Arakawa's book contains all the characters' profiles and the seiyuu casts' autograph and message as the character, and the art book for Katanagatari is simply beautiful. Not to mention the extras they gave me for purchase over certain amount, including a really beautiful postcard collection for Katanagatari, character art book for Trinity Universe, OST for a Nippon Ichi game, and a ticket for Shirosawa Miyuki's autograph!)

Ao no Exorcist will be released in Region 1 DVD only, but has Region 2 blu-ray. Right now it seems to be order-only for blu-ray in Japan so I'm not sure what the chance is for a standard blu-ray release in the future. I'll likely wait and see. Hopefully there will be blu-ray eventually, but if Japan isn't getting blu-ray as standard treatment, I won't mind settling for DVD.

Katanagatari part 2 is the only one I will get for sure, but that alone isn't enough to clear the free shipping threshold so I'll need to wait until there are other items. I can always grab it at the AX next time as a last resort as well.

Of course, there's also Durarara which I'd like to acquire, but that's $130 for a 25-episode series. That's essentially how much I paid for Zeta Gundam back in the single-case-release days, and that's a 50-episode series. So I'm still waiting for the price to drop a couple years down the road, or if Aniplex USA comes out with a collection set for it.

Aniplex USA really is the most expensive distributor... orz

*gremz* エコアクション

Saturday, August 20, 2011


With the usage frequency of this title, I sometimes can't help but contemplate whether I should create a tag for it...

After the Tactics Ogre order I made on a week and a half ago (and it's on sale now for $15 orz), I placed a few more pre-orders on
- Bleach: Fade to Black BD
- ICO / Shadow of the Colossus Collection (PS3)
- Twelve Kingdoms BD part 2

I'm especially excited about Fade to Black as I've been waiting for it since I saw the trailer at the end of DiamondDust Rebellion back in 2008!

Although I have to say that I'm starting to lose faith in lately on the pre-orders. It's been unable to obtain a couple items and cancelled a few of my orders in the last few months, while those items were readily available (and sometimes cheaper) on and RightStuf.

Still waiting for word on Twelve Kingdoms BD part 1...
And they better have Gundam collection 1!

*gremz* 絶滅動物

Wednesday, August 17, 2011




ファイヤーボール チャーミング


- 中盤時很實際地展露了為現在跟未來而戰的不同觀點,果然很沈重,但是引人省思的地方很多
- 結尾收的還可以,如果不讓身為公麿未來具體化的女兒愛上公麿會更好
- 真坂木不愧是全劇最歡樂的角色~XD
= 沒原作也沒後續,單純的一季動畫

- 看設定應該還算有趣,但是動畫改編成殘念作
- 釘宮=アリア很搭,配上間島也不會有太大的老虎既視感
- 但是間島=キンジ根本一整個竜児,明明在花咲く裡一樣做飯但卻明顯是獨立角色…
= 手上有小説,不過目前排的很後面

- 完全是為了推銷遊戲的背景介紹動畫(本來就是...)
- 折笠富美子也是被男後宮包圍而不會惹人厭的人材之一
- 覺得熱血老師的吸引力完全不能跟其他11人甚至一些配角相比是我的錯覺嗎?
= 對手上的四部原作遊戲頗有興趣,不過要有空才能玩就是...

- 果然不負所望如OP所敘,有裏故事
- 結局很ギャルゲー、いい意味で
- 動畫版其實是給女生看的吧?裡頭有點名氣的聲優都是男的,包括非玩家角色www
= 原作遊戲不會補完,不過就動畫來看算是還有點深意的ギャルゲー

- 地味に面白い、絵がサラサラ、方言も良い~
- 就青春期校園作品來說,女色度有點過高,男同學都是空氣
- 從頭到尾最不能理解トオル的心境是我的問題嗎...
= 原作是四格漫畫,沒有要補的打算

- 蜂鳥之後突然展開一轉,跑出一堆大牌聲優角色是怎樣 XD
- 放那種台詞的最後一幕我不承認啊~~~
- 至少也放個有名的咧嘴"科西"一笑啊(某人第一次這麼笑的時候就曝露正体了)!
= 手上有漫畫,不過目前排在有點後面的地方

- 豪華聲優陣捨棄形象的全力演出!
- 話説這部不夠強的聲優根本演不起來!
- 不過還是不能改變這部内容很惡搞的邪惡事實www
= 除非有芥辺x佐隈,不然我不會去補原作漫畫

- 一開始跑去看這部的時候我就輸了 orz
- 果然一切都是石田跟花澤的錯
- 這部我是接在WEED之後看,從超帥忍犬總帥跟超正經旁白變成超變態發言的教授真是超級微妙
= 這種直接在名字就放變態一詞的東西,少了聲優的加持我怎麼可能去看原作漫畫

ファイヤーボール チャーミング
- 結果居然是第一部的前傳!
- 童心的大小姐也很可愛,大川透的執事更是自先代以來的最高忠臣!
- 看完Charming又跑回去看無印,很多地方都巧妙地有連接起來,好棒!
= 我想要無印跟Charming的DVD跟大小姐的figma啊~~~(打滾

GOSICK -ゴシック-
- 少數從頭到尾作畫幾乎沒怎麼崩的作品,不愧是安心感的BONES
- 雖然勉強算是跟著原作走,不過後半的歩調亂掉,風格也跟前半相差很多
- 就前半部的鋪陳,為什麼久城會對金色妖精執著到成為他從第二次世界大戰戰場歸回的動力?!
= 手上有小説,不過目前排的很後面

- 為什麼春季這麼多糟糕番 orz
- 不過其實都自主規声跟塗掉了,所以事實上只知道很糟糕但是不知道有多糟糕
- 被蓋掉太多,結果整部除了最後一話以外完全沒内容或劇情而言,完全に時間の無駄 orz
= 跟変ゼミ一樣,沒有聲優加持我不會去看原作小説

- 開頭圍繞著表妹所以興趣缺缺,其他角色出現後變得非常有趣,跟當初看WORKING時相同模式 XD
- 這部吐槽跟獨白頗有安達充之風,又是用樹多村光的聲優,就笑點來説完全在範圍中心
- 野・中・藍・好・萌 XDD QBさま流子也很可愛~
= 手上有小説,可是動畫拍得這麼漂亮,怕會有落差感,希望小説有更多笑點;讀書單上約中等排名

- 雖然早就預想會是這樣,不過結局還真是超御都合吶…
- 有名聲優多到爆表,可是85%都沒什麼戲份,好浪費~
- 以獸人角色設定的作品來說,陸行鳥以外的動物都畫得超混是怎樣?不過貓球超可愛就是 XD
= 原作者有同步出小説的樣子,不過單純因為聲優才看的作品,當然不會去補小説

- 因為題材的關係,大半部都還蠻悶的,要不是高中棒球我也不會看
- 又不是安達充的作品這麼淡而無味的東西居然還真的掛掉角色是怎樣
- 一開始就沒在注意管理學的部分,故事也很普通,所以看完什麼都沒留下 XD
= 棒球光讀文字我沒什麼興趣,所以不會去補原作小説;電影?當然更不會看

- まさかの穴馬!最後一氣衝到個人春番單季排名第一!
- 看似單純的起點展開成複雜的羈絆成長物語;有一陣子沒看動畫看到涙ぽろぽろ了 (つд`)
- 從第四話看到最終話,剛好外面放起煙火,まさに「お空にお花が咲いた~」
= 小説化的作者是脚本的岡田麿里,有更多的角色心情描寫,能找到的話會補完



所以上禮拜跑去開始補銀魂到30話出頭的我是挖坑的笨蛋 orz

*gremz* 酸性雨

Monday, August 15, 2011

Thai Tea Ice Cream

Whenever I go to the Chinese supermarket, I always look for those delicious icy treats. Usually I aim for the Japanese or Taiwanese brands, but I decided to try a Thai brand.

The flavour on the box is stated to be Thai Tea, and there's two images on the lid, one for the flavour and one for the ice cream. The flavour one is pretty normal, just a glass of Thai tea. The ice cream one, on the other hand, looks like an ice cream version of pearl milk tea.

Out of curiosity (I seem to do this a lot, especially when it comes to food), I went with it without really knowing what Thai tea tastes like.

The ice cream really is milk tea flavoured, with pearls. XD

It ended up being my dinner last night as I was busying slashing and blasting through hordes of familiars and battling witches. Yes, I will cover the Tasogare Frontier game in the near future and share the downfalls of my .

*gremz* カーボンオフセット

Saturday, August 13, 2011




FF VII: Crisis Core just moved up the list of games that I plan to play during my hibernation month in January. And I should probably watch 空の境界 soon as well. XD

*gremz* ゴミ分別

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


It just occurred to me that I forgot to add El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron to the wish list yesterday.

It's a shame White Knight Chronicles II won't have the Japanese audio so I'll need to look for the Japanese import for it. Can't wait to play the first game (import, of course)! :)

Just as I was browsing the recommended games on the El Shaddai page, I noticed that Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together has dropped from $39.99 to $24.99! ($0.01 more to qualify for free shipping!)

I had this game in my wish list for a long time but the price remained the same since day one, and considering that most games go up over time on, I was ready to jump in.

Out of curiosity, I checked It's $19.93 with a free shipping special promo.

Since I already pre-ordered the other stuff I want, I didn't have anything else to add to make it free shipping from I ended up ordering from instead.

Not the first time that I forego the Canadian store and turn to the store down south because of the price difference. With frequent sales often up to 50%, is such a huge black hole for me. If it weren't for the fact that I don't live in the US, I'd probably shop like crazy from there. しっかりしろよ、!

*gremz* 絶滅動物


I don't really consider myself a gamer because I don't spend enough time playing games, but I definitely would like to. With my affinity to a lot of the seiyuu, I usually refuse to buy games that's English dubbed if it was originally voiced over in Japanese.

Blu-ray has the storage capacity for dual Japanese and English tracks for the option, but DVD doesn't. So to be fair to the console makers, game makers usually can't include this much-wanted feature for multi-platform games. Of course I'd prefer to get the Japanese version, but due to the difficulty of acquiring one in this little town, I might sometimes consider the North American version if it contains the Japanese audio track.

Here are the three titles that I've put into my wish list after confirming the dual audio option:
- Bleach: Soul Resurrection
- Gundam Musou
- Gundam Musou 3

I acquired several games while in LA so I'm in no hurry to get those right now. You bet I'll be monitoring the prices of those games and snatch them as soon as the prices come down. The Gundam Musou ones I'm really going to try getting the Japanese version because there's music/songs used in the game/original anime that's not licensed for North America so they couldn't use those.

On another news, I just pre-ordered part one of Gundam 0079. Yes, the First Gundam! :D still doesn't show the image of the product so it's a little worrying (they've been kinda bad on getting some of the new releases lately and had to cancel my orders), but hopefully they'll have it!

*gremz* エコバッグ

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

狂喜乱舞 ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )

The title pretty much sums up my feeling when I received this very very wonderful and awesome gift from today.

Not only is it Gundam, but it's Gundam UC! ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )
And it also has Sinanju!! ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )

The only slight downside is that, similar to the Monster Hunter T-shirt, this M-sized men's T-shirt is a little tight for me around the shoulders (Japanese men are too skinny...) But this one has a straighter design for the sleeves, so one or two wash-n-stretch should do the trick. Had to do at least three to four cycles for the Monster Hunter one before...

got an Evangelion one. Can't wait to wear our awesome ota t-shirts together! XD

Sunday, August 07, 2011


I fell for Ceui when I first heard her in 空を見上げる少女の瞳に映る世界 (a.k.a. Munto TV). The lucidity and serenity of her voice is really soothing and healing, and yet conveys so much emotion. She writes all the lyrics for her songs and compose most of them as well.

When I heard her again in 伝説の勇者の伝説 (The Legend of the Legendary Heroes), especially the insert song Energy, I was moved once more. Frankly, I have to say I would be hesitant whether to buy the LOL Heroes anime if it gets released here because it wasn't done very well. But the performance of the seiyuu cast really was most excellent, as were the songs, three of which were Ceui's.

I've been listening to all the Ceui songs I have today, and it really makes me want to go read DenYuuDen. If I can just finish the 56 volumes of Inuyasha first... Only at vol.11 now. 頑張ります!

*gremz* 植林・植樹

Thursday, August 04, 2011





後はちょっと匂うけど… また行きたいな~

*gremz* 食物連鎖

Monday, August 01, 2011


The gremz keyword yesterday, desertification, successfully rendered a meerkat! :D

And when I went to save the snap shot of my gremz tree with the meerkat, I realized I can cheat instead of trying to figure out the different keywords!

The photo base usually shows three pages of the most recent snap shots, the newest one being my own. While looking at other snap shots, I can just click on the blog link of the ones that also display the keyword specials, then browse through the blogs to find the keywords they used. The only thing is, since the keyword only needs to appear in the title or the text body, if it's written as part of a post instead of labelled as a gremz keyword, I likely wouldn't be able to tell.

Of course there's also Google, but I'm too lazy to actually search online for them. As for the photo base, since I'd go there to save my snap shot anyway, it's not as much work for me.

So my new trick has told me this next keyword: 省エネ XD