Thursday, June 16, 2011


A while back, after watching the audio commentaries for the first two episodes of Madoka Magica, I had a very brief discussion with Neko-tan about spoilers contained in audio commentaries.

We agreed that there would naturally be spoilers since those are usually recorded long after the seiyuu did the voice over for the episode and even the series might had finished airing by then. Not having enough experience in this, I thought it should be fine as long as one watches the episodes in that particular disc before watching the audio commentary.

I was proven wrong by the first ever audio commentary episode in the long history of Gundam. orz

Well, I kind of figured a few of the spoiled items would happen eventually, but it's still pretty 囧 to get confirmation in such casual manner before I can see it with my own eyes...

Lesson learned. I'll keep this in mind when I encounter other audio commentaries in the future. :x

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sony PS3 Surround Sound System pt.2

I went and got the sound bar yesterday after work from Future Shop, and some guy got easy commission by simply intercepting me as I made my way to the front cashier with the box in my arms.

The sound bar took only a few minutes to set up. To commemorate this special occasion, I popped in the 1st disc of AIR TV for testing the PS3 upscale feature. Apparently, when the firmware update was released back in 2007 for the DVD/BD upscale, AIR TV was used as the standard to make the DVD quality rival that of the BD.

It looked absolutely gorgeous compared to when I watched it on the tube TV back home! Though my heart tinged a little when Misuzu spoke...

Since the DVD only has 2.0 audio, I couldn't tell how well the sound bar fares when it comes to imitating 5.1, but it's definitely much better than the flat built-in TV speakers.

I have the setting on dynamic at all times and the volume on max at 30. Tried the night mode and noticed it did get slightly quieter, but I can't gauge how effective it is in minimizing disturbance to the neighbours. So as a rule of thumb, I limit my watching time on the TV to around 10pm.

Overall, the sound bar is not a great system by a long shot, but it's my best option for upgrading from the built-in TV speakers. I have limited space and can't turn the volume up too much should the neighbours complain, so even if I had the money (which I don't), it would be impractical to get an actual sound system anyway.

I look forward to watching 5.1 materials and playing games after the AX and see how the sound bar will perform!

Saturday, June 11, 2011







Friday, June 10, 2011





ありがとうございました!お疲れ様でした!そして、お休みなさい。 (つд`)

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


I beat the Walpurgisnacht thunderstorm by less than 5 minutes! There's non-stop blinding lightning flashes and roaring thunders going on outside, and water was all over the place as fire trucks sped down the street with sounding siren.

The sun was still attacking with full force high up in the sky when I was getting ready to take off for the day, but the heavy 43°C humid air foreshadowed the thunderstorm to be followed. While I was waiting for the bus, I could feel the very occasional rain drops from the accumulating clouds, and the sea of grey clouds was quickly overrunning the previously blue sky.

If I had missed the bus and made to wait for the next one, I would had surely be caught in the middle of a huge mess. Well, I'd likely had waited it out in the bus shelter, but I'd rather walk on dry ground than treading through water puddles on the way home.

Alas, thunderstorms like these don't last long. As I come to the end of this post, the thunder roars gradually move away to invade the adjacent region, and normal rain takes over. There's more thunderstorms forecasted for tomorrow, but hopefully I'll be able to beat them as well. XD

Monday, June 06, 2011


Back in the beginning of the year, I listed a few things I'd like to do this year. Let's do a quick review after five months.

③ finish reading at least H2, とらドラ, and 植物図鑑
- H2: vol.3 → vol.4 out of a total of 17 volumes (wide edition)
- とらドラ: vol.4 → vol.5 out of a total of 10 volumes + 3 spin-offs

④ finish at least one of Chrono Trigger, FF IV, or DQ IV
- Chrono Trigger: side quests before final battle
- FF IV: Dark Crystals arc; no change
- DQ IV: clear!

I got quite a bit done in May and finished DQ IV(!) a few days ago. Unfortunately, the amount of time I spent on reading and playing games was time I didn't spend on watching anime. As a result, I'm very far behind on the spring season series, and my hard drive is constantly out of space at <5GB.

Now that I've completed the round for the first three episodes for the spring series, hopefully I'll be able to give it a boost and catch up somewhat before the summer season starts. That would help with clearing up some hard drive as well.

I wanted to start on DQ V right after beating DQ IV, but decided to hold it until I get all the endings in Chrono Trigger. I think I only managed to see five with the SNES version before I no longer had time to play. 今度こそ…!

Sunday, June 05, 2011

春番アニメ スタート!


ファイヤーボール チャーミング ep.1-3
- 元の姿はずっと可愛らしいけど、新・お嬢様はなかなか動感的、スタイリッシュです
- 何か、前期の軽くなユーモアが重くになってる。もう、世間知らずのお嬢様じゃないよな
- でも相変わらずネタ満載で面白い~

TIGER & BUNNY ep.1-3
- 絵は酷い、キャラデザインと3D Modellingの意味
- 「実際に各企業向けにヒーローたちのスポンサーを募集する」、というCM作www
- TIGERとBUNNYくんに注目、結構面白い

もしドラ ep.1-3
- 画と作画は安定
- 個人的にまあまあの声優陣だが、悪くない。「え、あ、はい」はウザイけど
- 野球が好きなので、普通に面白い

30歳の保健体育 ep.1-3
- 何これ orz
- 声優の無駄使いだな、ある意味
- 演出はおもろいけど

Aチャンネル ep.1-3
- OPの演出はすっごく好き、本編の絵もサラサラ
- BRSような展開になれないで良かった
- 普通に面白い

C ep.1-3
- なんか複雑(理論)、しかしそうでもない(使い方とその理由)、金や資産のことは
- 櫻井さんのキャラ似合うねwww
- 期待どおりの面白さかな、今のところ

俺たちに翼はない ep.1-3
- 原作はギャルゲーなので、もともと期待してないが、いい意味で期待はずれ
- 諏訪部さんに注目、日野さんのキャラはメインの一人じゃなくて残念、あと杉田www
- 美郷あきのオープニングテーマソングはちょっとRPGぽい、燃えるぜ~

DOG DAYS ep.1-3
- ちょ… 何この超展開?!ヴァラエティのゲームかよwww
- 絵には安ぽい感じますが、猫玉はすっっっっごくカワイイ~XD
- 奈々ちゃんとほっちゃんのテーマソングの雰囲気はやっぱりなのはシリーズに似てる、悪くない

変ゼミ ep.1-3
- 変ゼミの変は本当に変態の変です orz
- こんなモノを見ましたの自分が大切な何かを失ったような orz
- 全部は石田さんと花澤さんのせい orz

電波女と青春男 ep.1-3
- 絵がすごく綺麗、シャフトには思わないほど
- 声優的には(樹多村光、佐倉杏子、キュゥべえ)ちょっとデジャビュな感じ
- 最初は本当に電波過ぎてよく分からないが、「ああ、なるほど。普通の青春成長物語なんだ。」に納得した

トリコ ep.1-2
- こんなに酷い絵を見るのは何年ぶりかな…
- ストーリーも含めて、もうツッコミすらも出来なくなるくらい
- 本当に声優の無駄使い

緋弾のアリア ep.1-3
- さすがツンデレの女王
- 二人の関係はとらドラにちょっと似てるが、感情的にはこっちの方が強く感じます
- 作曲の尾澤拓実はよく知らないけど、BGMは熱いね~

あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。 ep.1-3
- 画と作画は結構良い
- 声優さんたちにあまり注目してないから、ちゃんとキャラたちを見つめることができる
- これもまた、一つの青春成長物語だな~

花咲くいろは ep.1-3
- さすがP.A. WORKS、絵がすっごく綺麗
- ストーリーとキャラは普通に面白い
- 本当のホビロン(食べ物の)はマジこえぇ~ orz

よんでますよ、アザゼルさん ep.1-3
- これもめちゃくちゃだ…
- 変ゼミほどの酷さじゃないけど、また近い存在
- 何この無駄に豪華の声優陣www

Dororonえん魔くん メ~ラめら ep.1-3
- 今さらこんな古いモノをアニメ化とはな…
- ちょっと木村貴宏と声優の無駄使いだな
- 思ったよりサービスシーンが多いよねwww

へうげもの ep.1-3
- 日本の歴史や文化をよく存知てない自分にとっては、いい勉強になる
- 争いが多い戦国時代けれど、観ると妙に心が落ち着く
- 結構良いものだ

- ちょっと学園バージョンの銀魂ぽい、ネタも多いし
- 画と作画はジャンプ系アニメとしては結構良い、声優陣も凄い
- 普通に面白い

デッドマン・ワンダーランド ep.1-3
- 演出が結構ハードけど、画面は自主規制で随分黒く処理して、虐殺部分は見せない、ピー音もある
- でも本当のテーマは友情や自分の信念と思う
- 花澤さんは何処でも天然の癒し系ですね~

Steins;Gate ep.1-3
- 銀河美少年がStein's Gateを通った変態になったwww
- 普段のNitro+とは違う、もっとSFな設定が、やっぱり雰囲気は半端ない
- タイムトラベルとういうテーマはちょっと好みので、面白い

青の祓魔師 ep.1-3
- 澤野弘之の音楽はやっぱり最高だ、燃えるぜ!
- 正十字学園の外見はジブリみたい
- 声優陣は豪華だし、ストーリーも結構いけると思う

卻下了トリコ,春季番要追20部,不過冬番大部分都是單季作品沒幾部延續,可以同時追舊番(おい)。 XD

就目前看了前三話來看,不算本命的Fireball Charming兩分鐘超短篇,個人最期待的五部(非排名)為: Steins;Gate、青の祓魔師、緋弾のアリア、デッドマン・ワンダーランド、へうげもの。其實C也很合我胃口,但是規模有點深,引人省思的地方太多,就小品作來説有點半硬。當然銀魂也很期待,但是得先補完第一期...

Saturday, June 04, 2011

植林 #1

I planted a tree in Indonesia! ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )

Actually, my 1st gremz tree was one of the 520 trees planted in Indonesia on the Java Island through Friends of the Earth Japan! Mine was either part of the mangrove forest along the coastline to help protect against sediment erosion, or part of the agroforestry project to help recuperate and sustain the land for another village.

Looking forward to when my 2nd gremz tree gets planted, too! XD