Monday, August 01, 2011


The gremz keyword yesterday, desertification, successfully rendered a meerkat! :D

And when I went to save the snap shot of my gremz tree with the meerkat, I realized I can cheat instead of trying to figure out the different keywords!

The photo base usually shows three pages of the most recent snap shots, the newest one being my own. While looking at other snap shots, I can just click on the blog link of the ones that also display the keyword specials, then browse through the blogs to find the keywords they used. The only thing is, since the keyword only needs to appear in the title or the text body, if it's written as part of a post instead of labelled as a gremz keyword, I likely wouldn't be able to tell.

Of course there's also Google, but I'm too lazy to actually search online for them. As for the photo base, since I'd go there to save my snap shot anyway, it's not as much work for me.

So my new trick has told me this next keyword: 省エネ XD