Friday, February 22, 2008

很久以前寫過一篇聽得出來的聲優名單, 如今已隔數年, 來更新一下名單吧。

這次分開男女聲優及本命, 看是男聲優多還是女聲優多(我覺得應該是男聲優...)

桑島法子     石田彰
朴路美      関智一

浅野真澄     秋元羊介
伊藤静      池田秀一
井上喜久子    伊藤健太郎
植田佳奈     井上和彦
大谷育江     うえだゆうじ
緒方恵美     大川透
岡村明美     大塚芳忠
折笠富美子    置鮎龍太郎
甲斐田ゆき    小野坂昌也
かかずゆみ    小野大輔
勝生真沙子    柿原徹也
川上とも子    神谷浩史
川澄綾子     岸尾だいすけ
釘宮理恵     草尾毅
小島幸子     小杉十郎太
小清水亜美    小西克幸
斎賀みつき    子安武人
坂本真綾     阪口大助
高橋美佳子    櫻井孝宏
田中理恵     笹沼晃
豊口めぐみ    白鳥哲
野田順子     杉田智和
能登麻美子    杉山紀彰
林原めぐみ    鈴置洋孝
久川綾      鈴村健一
日高のり子    諏訪部順一
平野綾      関俊彦
堀江由衣     高木渉
松岡由貴     立木文彦
三石琴乃     谷山紀章
皆川純子     千葉進歩
皆口裕子     辻谷耕史
南央美      遠近孝一
矢島晶子     鳥海浩輔
ゆかな      中田譲治
雪野五月     成田剣

浅川悠      石井真
天野由梨     石川英郎
大原さやか    石野竜三
川村万梨阿    梅津秀行
菊地美香     緒方賢一
後藤邑子     神奈延年
小山茉美     私市淳
榊原良子     佐々木望
佐藤朱      陶山章央
佐藤利奈     高橋広樹
篠原恵美     チョー
清水香里     寺島拓篤
進藤尚美     飛田展男
高山みなみ    中原茂
田村ゆかり    中村悠一
長沢美樹     浪川大輔
小林沙苗     野島健児
根谷美智子    橋本晃一
潘恵子      日野聡
広橋涼      平川大輔
渕崎ゆり子    堀秀行
松井菜桜子    松風雅也
宮村優子     三宅健太
水樹奈々     安元洋貴
清水愛      家中宏

果然不出所料, 男聲優遠超過女聲優... 一來看的東西應該有關係, 二來男聲優大多用原聲, 但是女聲優大多會變聲。不過若論歌聲及歌唱力, 男聲優就被比下去了。

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I dropped by BestBuy yesterday hoping to find the missing AIR TV DVD volumes. Guess what I found? They stopped carrying it without ever getting volumes 2-4.

Am I peeved? You bet. Like I had mentioned in a previous post regarding copyright, it's really the availability, or the lack thereof, that's keeping my wallet closed. This is the fourth series I have trouble completing the collection because the stores have ceased carrying the titles. You think this will do any good to the local anime industry? I think not.

I'm really losing faith in the local stores.

And I ended up buying Kanon (2006) DVD volume 1 yesterday. orz
Finally got a chance to watch Tales of Earthsea last night. I've been anticipating it for a long time, but, sadly, it didn't quite live up to the quality that I've come to expect with the Studio Ghibli name.

I've never read the original work the film is based on so I'm judging only the movie itself. The art work is excellent, as expected from Studio Ghibli. The character design is familiar, with a touch of distortion when the character is overtaken by fear and rage. I warmed up to the yakuru-like steed immediately. XD

The music isn't composed by Hisaishi Joe as most other Ghibli works, but Terashima Tamiya's music here is just great and fitting. Overlooking the panoramic scenes with the orchestra playing in the background really gives off a sense of majestic and depth.

So what let me down? The narrative. Artistic alone does not make a great tale. It has to be woven skilfully with a compelling story. This, to me, is what the film lacks.

While some of the ideas are interesting (having the "light" portion of the heart as the "shadow" chasing after the body, for one), there's too many loose threads and unanswered questions. The film focuses on Arren and his change of heart during the journey, but the quest feels really one-sided and the background setting somewhat shallow.

While the friendship between Arren and Teru is good and all, I have trouble figuring out the significance of dragons in the human world, and if Teru being one means anything. Needless to say I was disappointed when the 'END' word appeared on screen. It's not satisfying and left much to be desired. Maybe Miyazaki Gorou isn't quite ready for prime time...

At the end, though, I still gave it a B~B+. The narration may not be complete, but it still managed to establish a main storyline with lots of character growth. That, and I really liked the art and the music.

I look forward to the next master piece from the master himself, Kage no Ue no Ponyo.