Sunday, July 31, 2005

My first sketch in years: Why Firefox should not be integrated with the IE core!!!

I was attacked with an acute stomach ache last night that Mum thought I might also have ulcer. That freaked me right out. I went to bed after taking a pill and woke up fine. Thank God my stomach seems to hold up still. I would be very sad if I wouldn't be able to taste all the foods in the world. XD

Though I do believe it to be a sign of my weakening body. I've also noticed, for the past week or so, that I now sleep naturally for nine hours! It used to be that I only sleep more than eight hours if I'm not feeling well. I really need to watch my eating and sleeping habits, eh... -__-

Monday, July 11, 2005

剛才一時興起想比較 Google TranslateYahoo!翻訳看看, 把 Max君的追悼文丟了進去翻英文, 結果 Google 大敗。雖然Yahoo!翻訳也有點亂(日文本身可以前後顛倒的錯吧, 不過也很有可能是我自己亂寫寫錯 XD), 可是下面的逐字對照幾乎都翻出來了。

玩完日翻英就換玩中翻日, 把 Emma 第一話感想丟進Yahoo!翻訳, 結果如下:

「先刻animate.tvにあることは見た無予測したEmmaの第1の声は、やはり漫画と少しばかり出入がある。さすがイギリスのにおいの濃厚な作品で、片の端から歪んで開始する (梁賢人は最高です!XDは)まっすぐに到Emmaは口を開いて謝罪して葎/峭やっと急に邦文を話すことであることを驚いて目を覚ますことができた。XD

従一がすぐこの部を追わなければいけなくしようと考えなかったことを開始することを打って、了三が漫画と第1声以後を巻いて依然として考慮しないと思う。私は冬の馬由美が芽生えなくて、寧ろ井上喜久子が比較的に適合可能で、侍女感覚上のため少し女親のようなことであることがあり得ると感じることです。もしまっすぐにこんな役が誰かから配合に来て組み立てることを比較することを考えなかったことがあって、ただ反正興味はあまり、考えつかない。眼鏡の母と侍女は私について悪趣味であると言って、同じに全部直接的な卻下です。動画の画風と設定と漫画は接近して、ただし突の顕は3 Dの場面のものは組み合わせない。再びどうしてか原設定が伝統を依然として受けて束縛する19世紀の末のイギリスであると話して、風格と音楽は同様に全部質実なあっさりした針路で、生硬な贋の3Dの景物(特に屋内は装飾する)が見えることは確かに雰囲気を破壊することです。私はそうでなく3Dの動画を排斥して、最近の””が済むFF X-2と””が半分に到達するFF Xは奇麗さに就く。当然の動画の製造時間と予算は遊戯に従って比べることができなくて、ただしあの見るとすぐ狩り出して来ることであると知ることはまたその他と2Dの画面は相内張りの品はすぐ嫌悪を見た。


中日翻譯沒有逐字對照的功能, 不過我覺得翻成這樣也很厲害了, 畢竟我中文文法是半調子, 裡頭又夾雜了一些日文用詞跟人名。特別值得注意的是第一話被翻成了第1声, 梁邦彥被翻成了梁賢人, 萌被字譯翻成了芽生え, 眼鏡娘被直譯成眼鏡の母。XD

這麼有趣的東西, 玩上癮的話要怎麼辦啊~XD
如果報告有需要用到因為是 online distance program 所以根本沒人教完全只能靠內建 tutorial 學習的專業軟體時, 一定要儘早開工。(泣)

キタッーー! Orz 今天車子電池死了兩次(如果要算回來以後馬上就發不動的話是三次)。發動時一定要一次轉到底而且聲音常常聽起來有氣無力的情形其實已經蠻久了, 不過一方面車齡不小了, 又是很陽春的小車子, 我對車子也一竅不通, 根本就沒想到那麼多。上個禮拜友人W 的車死電池的時候有點擔心我那部, 果然降臨了。雖然車上一直都放著 jumper cable 所以只要有別的車在就能發動, 可是總不能一直靠這個。電池不知道多少錢... (再泣)

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Seeing ep.43 of Gundam SEED on YTV made me miss Kuwashima's Natarle so much... (and the other people, too, but she's the most notable one here)

Anyhow, since I posted my extension list the other day, thought I'd post my reviews on all the extensions I've tried so far. As a brief description of the extensions were covered in the list post, I'll only talk about my usage here.

adblock (Mozilla & Firefox)
One of the first extensions I install right away after an update. (Did I mention that I uninstall and then install the new version every time? Sometimes the settings are intact but sometimes I need to re-configure and re-install the extensions) Frankly, this isn't really necessary if I stay within the 'safety zone,' but I like to venture and roam around too much. Those flashy type of graphical ads can be unbearably annoying and more and more web sites are infested with them, especially now that I read off Google News which links out to all sorts of different sources.

BugMeNot (Mozilla & Firefox)
I don't get to use this very often, but it's handy when there's the occasional article I want to read.

ConQuery (I only installed it on Mozilla but it works on Firefox as well)
Very handy when looking for info on Japanese people, as typing the names in Kanji into the URL bar (which searches usually results in entries from Chinese (more Simplified than Traditional) sites. Actually, I installed ConQuery solely for the purpose of being able to query to Google Japan directly without having to go to XP

Context Search (Firefox)
I use it to do the same thing as ConQuery in Mozilla. Well, I discovered this first and then looked for the equivalent for Mozilla 'cause I found it very useful.

converter (Mozilla)
Another one of those extensions I don't use very often but is very handy to have, especially when I'm reading American sources where people use the imperial system and Fahrenheit for temperature. It makes things easier to understand for me when converted. :) Though I'm probably the only person around who's having trouble doing any calculation or thinking in imperial...

DictionarySearch (Mozilla & Firefox)
This is easily one of the most important extensions to me and I use it very frequently to look up words in both English and Japanese. Just so you know, I also have the links to the Free Dictionary and Yahoo! Japan dictionary on my personal bookmark bar. Don't have the other Japanese dictionary anywhere in the bookmark, though, as it's part of a whole web service site but I only use the dictionary part. This one has example sentences and related phrases in both Japanese and English, while the Yahoo one focuses on words and display both Japanese/Japanese and Japanese/English.

Disable Targets for Downloads (Firefox)
No more annoying blank tabs to close when downloading/opening certain file formats from web pages! I'm not that annoyed by it, actually, as I pretty much give every link the right-click treatment, but it saves a bit of time.

Extension Uninstaller (Mozilla)
I tried this a long time ago because Mozilla lacks an extension manager and therefore I had to search everywhere to uninstall an extension. It kind of worked but not as good as the one in Firefox. A bit clunky for me. I don't quite remember what I did with it, whether I uninstalled it or it got lost after a version upgrade. Never installed it afterwards. I don't have that many extensions to start with and have stayed with particular ones for ages. Beside, sometimes I have to reinstall the extensions after an upgrade anyway.

Edit CSS (Firefox)
Other than the time when I first installed it, I never even used it once. I installed it in the first place 'cause I thought it might come in handy since I'm interested in learning more CSS, but deep down I knew I wouldn't really bother. Firefox's been pretty smooth in recent version upgrades so it's still there. Once I need to reinstall the extensions due to an upgrade screw-up, I don't think I'd install this again.

Go Home (Mozilla & Firefox)
Adds a "Home" entry to the context menu. This was useful back before I put all the Googles I use to the personal bookmark bar as my Homes are for Mozilla and (which re-directs to automatically) for Firefox. As these are all within easy reach, I no longer used Go Home. BTW, since Mozilla's Home button is on the far left of the personal bar, I put all three Google on the personal bar and never used the actual Home.

Go Up (Firefox)
Don't get to use this every often but very handy when linked to a nested page or, even worse, a dead-end (page with no link at all or part of a frame).

IE View (Mozilla & Firefox)
Need I say more? Another important extension for viewing those stubborn pages that use ActiveX or have screwed-up codes. Though, I must admit, I haven't used this for a long time now. If the site is IE-only, I simply leave. It's always been my policy since my Netscape days unless I absolutely needed the information or the service. Now that it's more than easy to find often the same info, I see very little reason to bother. To me, IE is good for two things: Windows Update and checking my modem usage. Oh, and probably to download stuff from Microsoft if the need(?) should ever arise.

jsLib (Mozilla & Firefox)
Well, technically this isn't really a usable extension, but it paves the way for many other applications and extensions. Naturally it's always there, though I don't know which extensions need it.

MediaPlayerConnectivity (Firefox)
This is supposed to be really good and plays streamed or embedded media files typically only recognise IE. I never got it to work (and there's no instruction whatsoever) so I uninstalled it.

Moji (Firefox)
I was quite thrilled when I first discovered this and happily played around on the 12 Kokuki website. It shows the translation of the selected Kanji on the webpage in the side bar, complete with the number of strokes and other technical data on the word itself. This is designed to help people learn the Japanese Kanji, but as I can understand a fair amount of Kanji already, Moji is really more like a toy to me which I play with once in a while. Alas, it only supports Firefox to up to 1.0 and I was forced to stop playing with it. I also installed jsLib the first time with Moji.

Mycroft (Mozilla & Firefox)
I've never used the extension but there're hundreds of search plugins available in their collection. I take advantage of the search plugins and adds Googles to ConQuery, and Googles and Wikipedias (JP & EN) to Context Search.

Paste and Go (Mozilla & Firefox)
Another one of the most frequently used extensions for me, especially when I'm in browsing mode and my hand is too lazy to leave the mouse to hit Enter after pasting an URL.

Print (Mozilla & Firefox)
Adds "Print" to the context menu. No, I don't use it as I don't print and my computer isn't even connected. I installed this on New Type so Mum can print easily, and also on the computer in the store so we can print quickly. Despite not ever printing anything, I added the Print button for Firefox for aesthetic reason (it's a cat icon, in case you're wondering, because of the theme I use).

SessionSaver (Mozilla & Firefox)
I remember trying this a long time ago but it never worked. Back then, there was the problem with my video card so the computer would reboot itself unexpectedly when it felt like it, and it was very annoying to lose all the pages I just linked out and hadn't bookmarked. Now my video card is stable and I've learned to bookmark first and read later, so I didn't try installing this again.

Small Screen Rendering (Mozilla & Firefox)
I installed this back when I was still thinking of making a web site. However, I didn't have the time, and cell phone technology here is years behind that of Japan and Taiwan so I dropped the project altogether.

Tabbrowser Extensions (Mozilla & Firefox)
Yes, the infamous beast that is TBE. I was interested in some of the features listed and tried it out. The bulkiness and very slow response led me to uninstall it ten minutes later. Undoclosetab is the only tab-related extension I use now.

text/plain (Mozilla & Firefox)
I've used this quite a few times. Quite handy when browsing pages made by individuals and lazy people (like me). It's always easier to type the URL in text than to hyperlink it. XP

undoclosetab (Mozilla & Firefox)
Very important to me as I often close a tab only to find myself looking for stuff on the closed tab(s) less than a minute later. The default is 3 tabs, I believe. I've set the cache number to 10 for both Mozilla & Firefox now.

Web Developer (Mozilla & Firefox)
There're lots of things you can do with this extension, and it's handy for debugging web sites. But as previously mentioned, I haven't been making web sites so I never really used it. Beside, I hand-code. The only use I have of it is to debug, but I find it quicker to just look at the source code. I still install this just in case, though.

Right Encoding (Firefox)
Adds the encoding entry into the context menu. It's handy in its own way, but I'm used to changing the encoding from the top menu now so I didn't reinstall it after it got lost during an upgrade. That, and the only times I need to change the encoding is when someone sends me an email in Chinese to my Yahoo account, which is rare anyway.

rikaixul (Firefox)
Similar idea to Moji, this is another interesting toy that display the English meaning of Kanji when mouseover. I've only played with it twice, as my browser crashed the second time. After I installed rikaixul, Firefox started to display Javascript error (if the page has it) on the status bar, complete with what file and which line. Because of this, I was able to confirm that the Current link in the archive section works on Paw Wow but not the other ones because of a Javascript error. Haven't been able to debug it, though, as I'm a Javascript idiot and just copy-and-paste the same script into the template of the other ones. I don't know why it works for Paw Wow and not the others... -__-

ListZilla (Firefox)
I thought it'd be neat to list all the extensions I have, but now I'm considering uninstalling it 'cause I don't that many extensions and therefore rendering it somewhat useless.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Mum left for D.C. this morning (courtesy of my brother who drove her to the airport at 5:30am) and will be gone for about four days. Doesn't mean a thing to me though, as I have 2 assignments due on Sunday and a final paper proposal to submit...

Just watched ep. 4 (Silent Run) of Gundam SEED on YTV (didn't know they have it on at this time). For a second there I thought they were going to play the whole OP, but no such luck. It's a few seconds longer than the usual one on Friday nights but that's it. -- I can never understand them on this matter. They play complete OPs and EDs with English credits for Inu Yasha, badly cut Invoke (for the whole series) with English credits and EDs with original Japanese credits for Gundam SEED, and complete OP (don't remember what language) and ED with original Japanese for .hack//SIGN -- They also played the preview clip which isn't shown on Friday. I laughed out loud when I heard, "Soar through the sky, Gundam!" at the end there. It sounded too lame and too funny. Couldn't help it. XD

- a Chihuahua x Dawson (??)
- a lab puppy
- a pug

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I'm feeling bored today (beside peeling off a piece of skin off my right pinky with the nail of my left pinky by accident -- the bleeding has somewhat stopped now) so I'll post my extension list for Mozilla and Firefox.

Mozilla 1.7.8:

IE View - right-click to view the page in IE

undoclosetab - undo closed tabs (I've set it at 10 tabs)

dictionarysearch - highlight text and right-click to search using one of the four dictionaries (I have the free dictionary, Yahoo! Japan, another Japanese dictionary, and a currency converter)

adblock - blocks image and Flash ads; can be set to block image from servers

converter - select a metric or imperial unit and the equivalent will be shown in the context menu

ConQuery - query selected text search to more search engines (I have Google, Google Japan, and Google Taiwan)

BugMeNot - read articles that require an user account

Web Developer - just as the name implies, though I've used it... zero time so far

Paste and Go - copy, right-click on URL bar to paste and go directly

text/plain - select text URL and open in new tab or new window

Did I miss anything else? Mozilla doesn't have an extension manager like Firefox so it's hard to tell sometimes.

Firefox 1.0.4:



Context Search - basically does the same thing as ConQuery but in Firefox (Context Search doesn't support Mozilla)


Diable Target for Downloads - prevent Firefox from opening a blank tab when downloading files

EditCSS - modify CSS from the side bar; never used it so far

Go up - Alt+Page Up takes you one level up in the site's directory

IE View

Paste and Go



rikaixul - pop-ups with Japanese word translation to web pages (used it once so far... Used to use Moji but it hasn't been updated for newer versions)

ListZilla - exports installed extensions and themes into a list

Monday, July 04, 2005

剛才在 上看了無料的 Emma 第一話, 果然跟漫畫有稍許出入。不愧是英國氣味濃厚的作品, 從片頭曲開始(梁邦彥最高!XD)一直到 Emma 開口道歉為止才猛然驚醒到是講日文。XD

打從一開始就沒打算要追這部, 看了三卷漫畫跟第一話以後還是不考慮。我不萌冬馬由美, 倒是覺得井上喜久子會比較適合, 可能是因為女僕感覺上有點像母親吧。一直沒想過這樣的角色由誰來配比較搭, 不過反正興趣不大, 想不到就算了。眼鏡娘跟女僕對我來說是惡趣味, 一般都是直接卻下的。動畫的畫風跟設定跟漫畫很接近, 但是也突顯了3D場景的不搭配。再怎麼說原設定是仍受傳統束縛的19世紀末的英國, 風格跟音樂也都是樸素淡雅路線, 看到生硬的假3D景物(尤其是屋內擺設)實在是破壞氣氛。我不是排斥3D動畫, 最近"看"完的 FF X-2 跟"看"到一半的 FF X 就很漂亮。當然動畫的製作時間跟預算不能跟遊戲比, 但是那種一看就知道是趕出來又跟其他2D畫面不相襯的東西看了就討厭。

不記得在漫畫裡看過這個, 不過那個燒開後會自動倒到杯子裡然後敲鈴的下午茶伴侶實在很有趣, 真的很妙呢。我很喜歡。:)