Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I was watching Blood-C ep.2 when these interesting looking pink squares appeared on screen. They looked sponge-like and resembled marshmallows, but I wanted to be sure.

Off to Wikipedia! XD

Turned out that ギモーヴ is Guimauve, which is the French word for the marshmallow plant (which is no longer used in the production of marshmallow as we know it).

For us North Americans, marshmallows usually are soft-edged, cylinder-like, and often white. So it was no wonder that my interest was piqued by the pink squares in the anime. A quick search will show you all the colours and flavours available in the land of the rising sun. I think we're missing out in the land of the maple tree.

There's a part in the article describing that when the Fuugetsudou store first manufactured and sold marshmallow in Japan back in 1892, it advertised it as 真珠麿, which kinda affixed "pearl" to the name and was a direct translation based on pronunciation (マシュマロ/mashuumaro). The first thing that came to my mind when I read this? 真朱/Mashuu and 公麿/Kimimaro from C. さすが親子~ XD

*gremz* リサイクル