Sunday, September 25, 2011


Neko-tan pointed me to a BBS thread before which showed the first chapter of two versions of the manga. While the content was intriguing, I didn't quite care for the character design. So I kinda forgot about the series after that.

Neko-tan pointed me to another BBS thread today which showed a few pages from different volumes and served as a quick introduction to one of the manga versions. While I still don't care for the character design very much (except for the Emma head maid XD), my interest was piqued.

So I set out to search for more information on the manga.

And I found that the original was actually an impromptu work posted on the 2ch VIP board between September to November in 2009. It's written in a play style, with a label indicating the location of the scene, followed by the character's lines. There's no names, just their caste. i.e. Hero, , Head Maid, Female Knight, Young Businessman, etc.

The popularity and the original medium format prompted the publication project, with four different manga versions by four different manga artists beside the original text version. The one Neko-tan introduced me to follows the canon and is apparently the most popular amongst the four.

The manga makes it easier to get into the story and digest the economics, sociology and agriculture elements that make up a major portion of the revolution started by the and the Hero. I haven't found the manga yet, but I'll keep trying when I have time.

In the meantime, the first chapter is available as a free download on the project website. The rest (just the first volume, maybe?) can be read online in their original format here.