Saturday, May 14, 2011


Those versed in the culture of ninja (or readers of Naruto) would be familiar with the term くのいち(kunoichi), used to address female ninja. But the non-Japanese population, myself included, likely doesn't know the reason behind the term.

While watching the drama Nihonjin no Shiranai Nihongo (日本人の知らない日本語), I learned the origin of the word.

く(ku) + ノ(no) + 一(ichi) = 女

So refers to 女/女忍者, which is literally female ninja.

The drama series, based on the original manga of the same name, contains a lot of cultural and linguistic substances. Unfortunately, seeing how my Japanese level is lower than that of the students in the series, I can only understand and retain the few points here and there.

Little linguistic science lesson for the day. XD