Wednesday, March 30, 2011


(This was written to participate in the special campaign for the Final Fantasy VI Complete Collection on the Square Enix Members site. If my post is deemed valid, I'll get a special custom FF VI theme for the PSP~)

Ah, Final Fantasy VI...

I still remember playing the North American Final Fantasy II, and wondering why II was on the SNES while III was on the Famicom. Only later did I realize the North American FF II is actually FF VI. It's even dumbed down to make it easier for the North American players, too.

When news of FF VI on the DS came out, I happily snatched it. Of course, since there's voice acting, I had to play the Japanese version and not the North American version. Although I had played the Japanese version of FF III before, I did not understand a word of Japanese then and had to rely entirely on the strategy guide. Needless to say, I am quite happy to now be able to enjoy FF VI as is with all the Japanese text and voice acting.

Frankly, I don't quite remember the ending of FF VI from SNES and am still working on FF VI for the DS. All I remember was that I was into the pairing of Rydia x Edge more than 10 years ago. Rydia was, and still is, my favourite character from FF VI. XD

I was disappointed when I learned that the After Years was for the Japanese mobiles only when it came out. But I guess there is hope for me to play it now that it's ported to the PSP! Can't wait to get my hands on it! The Japanese version, of course. ;)

So many games to play, so little time...