Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Being a lazy and gluttonous person, I don't particularly like to spend too much time on cooking my food. However my laziness leads me to food experiments from time to time, and the results are usually pretty satisfactory. Until tonight.

While it's easily edible and didn't taste like mystery meat from another planet, I kinda think it's a failure. Who would have thought the lack of garlic made that much difference? orz

Okay, so maybe I also used the wrong type of soy sauce (best before: 2010 October) and added a bit too much sesame oil while marinating the chicken wings. But it's supposed to taste good nonetheless. :(

The legs tasted not bad, but I couldn't say the same for the wings. It even got to the point that I just wanted to hurry up and finish them so I could move on to some Häagen-Dazs.

I blame it on Ottawa weather. My wings were good when I made them back home. :Q

Might just stick with buying frozen wings instead of making them myself from now on. So much for my first attempt on poultry in the township of Ottawa. orz

I was planning to bring some for a friend tomorrow, now I'm not going to. I'll finish the rest myself tomorrow...