Thursday, December 09, 2010


My thighs have been going through cycles of freezing and thawing for the past couple days thanks to the typical Ottawa winter temperature. Of course it's not fun if being outside in the winter threatens my ageing cells, so it's critical that I equip my body with suitable equipment against the formidable boss (a.k.a. icy wind=アイシーウインド).

I hate shopping for clothes (but love it when it comes to ACG goods or electronics) and was going to put off the search for the proper gear for as long as I could hold out...

Then Friend-K led me to a store today and we walked out in under ten minutes with my new lv.20(?) coat, and it's a lot easier on my wallet than I expected! その買い物姿、さすがプロの犯行、もはや職人技だ!

これでアイシーウインドにも勝てる!我が道に敵なし!( ゚ ∀ ゚ )