Sunday, September 12, 2004

Gundam SEED ep.18-24

The infamous Desert Arc. I have to argue though, that it also sets the foundation of development for many characters, especially Kira.

After a series of hellish events, Kira's mental state is tense as usual. He's been depending on Fllay for support, but here is a fresh ray of light, Cagalli. Granted, she doesn't know he's a Coordinator until Andy reveals it, but her attitude towards him remains the same after knowing it. Fllay, too, notices the potential threat Cagalli might pose, and she tries harder to keep Kira under her influence. It's almost official that it's over between Kira and Sai.

The (re)encounter with Cagalli and Andy brings Kira out of his former state somewhat, for better and for worse. On one hand, he's been able to express himself more freely, but on the other, he is thrown into yet another whirl of confusion. While he shouts「気持ちだけで何が守れる!?」, he is met with「この戦いを、どうやって終わらせればいいと思うのか?敵を全て滅ぼして終わらせるのか?」He realises the grimness and the irony of war from the so-called enemy, and he begins to be conscious of his role as a participant in the war, starting with his duel with Andy.

While Kira and Cagalli are at Andy's place, there is chaos onboard ArchAngel. Sai anguishes at his failure of even moving Strike, and tears roll down Fllay's cheek while she turns her back. At this point, she is probably mainly using Kira. There might be the factor of both of them being wounded inside, but she is approaching Kira out of vengeance more than benevolence. She no doubt still holds some feeling toward Sai, and it pains her to see him like this. The moment she bets on Kira returning and wins it, she's set to see her master plan through. She wouldn't allow anyone to interfere, but isn't that also her kindness, to keep others from getting involved and hurt?

On PLANT's side, Athrun gives Lacus a long overdued visit. Sadly, Lacus reveals that she likes Kira. Poor Athrun. He is truly surprised and taken off-guard. Yeah, yeah. I knew from the beginning that Lacus would end up with Kira. The OP is more than obvious. But I shall remain faithful and supportive to the couple. Though, if you really look at it, Athrun is the youngest of the four... Not my usual style to have the male younger than the female. *sigh* Oh well...

When I saw the title in the preview, I knew that the destined encounter refers to Athrun and Cagalli. Yeah, again, we all saw that coming. I don't hate this pairing (just disliking it a little XP), and the island episode is one of my favourites. Up until now, Kira has been the one under the spotlight. Athrun's finally getting some deserved development time. The atmosphere for the episode is very nice, and the scene with the insert song "暁の車" is very moving. I immediately fell in love with the song.

Aisha sounded kinda weird to me the first time I watched this part but didn't pay it any mind. I thought it might be intentional (you know, the native accent for the desert people or something). Then Neko-kun told me that it's Vivian Su, the one that also sings the 2nd OP. No wonder. That was really bad acting. -__-

Natarle has quite a few instances where she shows her shy and cute side: bringing water to Norman, giving treat to a kid and getting surrounded by more, calling Kira "少...少年" It must be hard for her to watch over the young crews like a hen to her chicks, what with a humanitarian captain and all. ご苦労さま。やばり、いいおんなだ。:)