Saturday, October 13, 2012

マイ椅子 pt.2

Last year when my chair broke, I managed to keep it going. But while it was only one side that needed operation, two screws snapped just over a month ago, rendering the chair pretty much unusable.

Well, it's kinda usable if you turn the chair around and sit facing its back with two cushions to accommodate the sunken seat. But it's definitely not very comfortable and only served as a temporary solution.

I was going to order the chair I've always wanted and take a day off to wait for the delivery. Thanks to Friend-K's offer, I successfully acquired the chair last Saturday.

And am sitting in my new chair right now! :D

Technically the chair isn't designed for 24/7 use, but we'll see how it fares.

The next thing on the list to get for my improved ergonomic lifestyle would be a new keyboard. Maybe a set of wireless keyboard and mouse. One needs to be mindful and nice to the old and fragile!