Monday, November 07, 2011

Dumb phone

I always get confused whether I gain or lose an hour when daylight saving time starts and ends. Being the lazy person that I am, I usually rely on my computer to tell me.

Then I noticed the 1-hr difference between my computer and cell phone. Since I'm not diligent in some of the Windows patches, my XP was not adjusted to the daylight saving time for a period of time before. I thought it could be the same with my current Windows 7. But when I searched online for the correct time, my computer was right.

Why hadn't my cell phone adjusted to the correct time? Weren't they supposed to do that automatically? Maybe it'll do it later in the day, I thought. Nope.

Just now, I decided to try my luck and turn the cell phone off then back on, hoping it'd reconnect to the server and fetch the correct time. It did.


So a manual reboot is needed whenever daylight saving kicks in?! What a dumb phone...