Sunday, February 27, 2011


Experiment #2: Minced pork curry

Ingredients involved: curry, minced pork, carrot, blue berries (the left over sour berries from the purple rice porridge), grape tomatoes, water, yogourt drink

- Pan fry the minced pork a bit so it's not in one giant meat ball
- Throw everything else into the pot and let boil in medium heat
- Watch a few episodes of anime
- Stir and done

Result: Success!

Since the pot was over 3/4 full with the raw materials before I even added water and curry, I thought one pack might not be enough, so I put in two packs of curry, with different degrees of spiciness.

The end result turned out rather well, although it was somewhat viscous because I didn't really have much room for water in the pot. That should be easily remedied with a small helping of yogourt drink before consumption.

There is just one little problem, however, with the curry. Unlike the blue berries which are soft skinned and blend well with the rest, the grape tomatoes still maintain their own and pack a sour punch when eaten. I find myself making a >x< face whenever I bite down on one. I think I'll refrain from using them as raw materials for curry in the future.