Friday, February 25, 2011


Started watching the ぬらりひょんの孫 anime a few days ago. I already knew the seiyuu cast for the anime version is very heavy when I saw the PV on Niconico, but I still got blown away by the number of big name seiyuu when I actually started watching.

Granted, I have yet to hear my top seiyuu, but the cast I've heard so far (up to ep.5) is luxurious enough already. Most of the named male characters so far (15+ that I recognized) are voiced by seiyuu who regularly play leads or otome game playable characters*. Even the guest characters that only appear for one or two episodes are voiced by famous seiyuu.

*otome games attract their customers mainly by seiyuu, so the playable characters are voiced by popular seiyuu 90% of the time. Even if a new or less well known male seiyuu voices a playable character in an otome game, it can be a big break for him. If the character or the game is popular, then it can even akin to playing a lead role in an anime.

On the female side, Horie Yui just spells win, not to mention there's also Arai Satomi and Kakazu Yumi. Hirano doesn't count for me since she's not on my radar. I have yet to hear good enough acting out of her other than Haruhi and Konata. I know there's also Asumi Kana, but I can't recognize her voice (which means she's also not on my radar) so she doesn't count.

Even the narration is voiced by someone I'm becoming rather familiar with lately. It's the same guy who does the narration for WEED (and plays Akame)! Needless to say, I feel like I'm watching WEED whenever he speaks. XD

Oh, and I still hear Lelouch sometimes when the night Rikuo does the preview. XD

Surprise Omake:
I almost spew out water when I heard Sugita as the frail-bodied Zen in ep.2.
I also had to pause to laugh when I confirmed that the weird host-like guy is indeed played by Koyasu, which I guessed from the single under-his-breath cold laugh at the beginning of ep.3.