Friday, December 17, 2010

敗家 pt.2

I racked up another order on Right Stuf... Yeah. orz

Since I ordered most of the things I wanted from the Christmas specials, I was having a bit of trouble making the free shipping threshold this time. After ten seconds of thorough consideration, I cancelled the Bamboo Blade order from and put it on this one.

The saving on Bamboo Blade is less than $5 so I didn't get it in my last order, but has yet to obtain the item from their supplier two months after its release (and failed to inform ppl who ordered it, only apologizing after I asked them what the deal was with this). Might as well. Otherwise I might have to wait another couple months before I can get it from If even.

Out of the six titles I ordered this time, I've actually only watched two, Bamboo Blade and Escaflowne.

Haven't seen Gundam 00 yet *gasp* but you can't go wrong with it so it's definitely safe. Now I just need Gundam 00 S2 pt.1, preferably the special edition to go with the other three parts I've got, to complete my Gundam 00 collection. I don't care for the manga in the special editions, but they're cheaper than the standard editions when they're on sale. I ordered all parts of season 1 before I discovered Right Stuf, so those are just the standard ones.

Neko-tan, who doesn't buy as much anime, mentioned Jubei-chan 2 many years ago, so it should be good. I believe the fights are supposed to be great, as well as the directing. The DVD extra with Horie Yui trying the Shikage-ryu sword technique should be interesting. XD
It comes as a DVD/CD bundle, though I already have the soundtrack CD. 囧

Peach Girl is based on the shoujo manga of the same name which I read many many years ago. Normally I wouldn't go for anime adaptations like this, but it's really cheap, $10. And the main cast is not bad. *shrug*

Now, I only kind of know the story of CLAMP's infamous X and never read the manga (which is on permanent hiatus). All I know is that it's very emo and a lot of people died, and I don't know how well CLAMP's extravagant art style in their early days would translate to anime. But the seiyuu cast is really good. And it's relatively cheap, $20.
This remix version is bundled with the OST II, which I also already have. 囧

Maybe I'll just sell the two extra soundtracks...