Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I was reading a few Niconico News items (waiting for ep.7 of "WEED" to load) when I somehow linked to this very interesting article about someone's game play videos on Niconico.

I actually want a pad or a taiko drum like that now. XD

Don't care as much about the DDR games since I have no interest in dance/trance/house music and probably would know at most just one song, but the Taiko no Tatsujin series alway look so fun! XD

Of course, they would be useless without the actual console systems and games, so it's really just a 3-second daydream.

1... 2... 3...

*yawn* That was an intriguing daydream. I shall now go back to my real lazy life. ( ̄д ̄)