Thursday, August 12, 2010

I took down the gremz tree last year and have completely forgotten about it since...

Until I found out today that my tree actually grew, as can be seen on the right! ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )ノ

I think the culprit might had been the lack of title for my posts, as it's listed as a possible reason for the tree not growing in the FAQ (the question wasn't in there when I gave up on the tree). Despite it still currently being listed in there, the issue might have been resolved since I still don't have titles for my posts, yet my tree's grown. I did notice, however, that the bubble over my tree in the "just posted" section on gremz used to be completely blank except for the name of the blog, now it shows "Empty" for the title and a snippet for the post.

Now that my gremz tree is back in action, I'm surely more motivated to write. Maybe I'll try a few gremz keywords to get the specials for my tree. Or maybe I'll even get serious with Saluki's Adventure Log and get another gremz tree there...?! XD

Eat lots and photosynthesize lots, so you can grow up to be a big tree for planting, my little gremz tree! It's probably too late for this year, but hopefully it'll grow enough to contribute one tree when they do the planting next year! :D