Monday, June 21, 2010

Soramimi Project #22: Yamazaki Takumi 山崎たくみ

First heard: Juuroumaru/Kageroumaru (Inuyasha)

First noticed: George de Sand (G Gundam)

Memorable characters: George de Sand (G Gundam), Muu (Saint Seiya Hades Chapter Sanctuary), Roybea Loy (Gundam X), Jiras (Slayers TRY)

Image character: George de Sand (G Gundam)

Discernment rate: average

Number of works seen: 16

I haven't heard that much of him, but a couple of the characters, namely those listed under memorable characters, leave enough impression on me. Even though he's done quite a bit of work over the years, judging from the list on jp.wikipedia, I think I've covered many of his major roles.

His Gundam characters are rather flamboyant and seem like a ladies' man, but both are actually single-minded toward the girl of their heart. Muu carries a regal air befitting his status of a Gold Saint, helping the Bronze warriors in his own way before heading to the final battle against fellow Gold Saints. Frankly I don't quite remember his Jiras voice since Slayers TRY was one of my earliest series, but I do plan to re-watch the series sometimes now that I have the DVDs.

Yamazaki Takumi doesn't seem to be as active as before so there's not much chance hearing him unless one watches an older series. I'll probably hear more of him when I find the time to dig out some older shows.