Friday, April 16, 2010

Quick follow-up on the NieR game.

Just received the Square Enix newsletter version North America which featured NIER. From the looks of it, NieR RepliCant might be Japan only as both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 versions for North America have Nier from NieR Gestalt on the cover, and there's no mention at all about Nier from NieR RepliCant.

The official site for NIER sucked too much that I couldn't go pass the loading message for the different sections. If I didn't get the newsletter version Japan and know about NieR RepliCant, I would have just dismissed the whole game based on this newsletter alone. And the official site didn't help.

Ah well, just wanted to rant(?) a bit and take note of the injustice(?) players outside Japan have to go through. There's definitely a huge gap between the two gaming cultures as demonstrated here...