Tuesday, November 20, 2007

また、久しぶりだな... いろんなこともあったな。

換了新工作、完食好幾部動畫、脂肪比例直線上升、鬱卒指數也將近爆表、連電腦螢幕都長眠了。雖然外在看起來沒什麼變化, 其實裡面的起伏之高低又豈是三言兩語就能講完的? 未來的事也需要仔細的考慮清楚吶...

想做和必須做的事有如奧林匹斯山那麼高, 不過還是一步一步按照自己的步調走吧。

Again, long time no see... Indeed, much has happened.

Got a new job, finished quite a few anime series, the percentage of fat has gone up, the frustration index has sky-rocketed, even the LCD bit the dust. Although it hasn't appeared to be much change outwardly, the internal tumult can't be described in just a few sentences. There's also the matter of future to be considered...

What I want to do and must do are piled up like the Olympus Mons, but I'll keep my own pace and walk it.