Friday, May 04, 2007

There's lots I'd like to say, but I don't know what to say anymore. We lost. The hockey season is over for Vancouver. I guess we won't be seeing those car flags out there starting tomorrow...

Taboo words for tomorrow: hockey, Canucks, Ducks, Luongo.

On a lighter note, the food battle between the seafood curry and the eggplant & mince meat curry on was intense and very mouth watering. The eggplant looked so interesting, it almost tempted me to put eggplant curry on the menu for this weekend if it wasn't for the fact that what we have in the fridge is nothing like it. Just you wait, I'll make it some day. With my original recipe, of course. XD

言いたいことはいっぱいあるけど、もうなにを言うべきがわからない... 負けました。もうシーズンは終わた。再也看不到飄揚的車旗了...


明天的禁句: hockey, Canucks, Ducks, Luongo.

換個輕鬆點的話題, 新料理東西軍的海鮮咖哩跟茄子肉醬咖哩對戰實在很精彩, 令人垂涎三尺。我對那個茄子非常有興趣, 甚至到了想把冰箱裡那兩根弱枝茄子拿來做咖哩的地步。不過老弟提醒, 那兩根恐怕已經快到保存期限, 所以這次就算了。下次吧。下次來加些叫人意想不到的東西。XD