Friday, May 27, 2011


Kalafina was what prompted me to register for the AX this year. A week after the Kalafina news, Hatsune Miku was announced to be the 2nd concert performer. I bought the tickets for both concerts the next day.

Neko-tan was not convinced to pay to see a virtual concert and planned to wait for stand-by tickets with other friends. Until tonight.

According to an official tweet, there were fewer than 100 tickets left for the Hatsune Miku concert. Neko-tan plunged in. Another friend was too late. The event is now sold out.

I didn't know Hatsune Miku is this popular in North America... ( ゚ ロ ゚ )

Can't believe the Kalafina concert, to be held at a slightly smaller venue than the Miku one (way bigger sponsor behind her), isn't sold out yet. You people don't appreciate good musicians and performers (same with May'n/Nakajima Megumi/Kanno Yoko concert last year)...