Thursday, December 02, 2010

I just spend over an hour or so reading over something I started during a ten-hour plane ride back in 2000. Being an impulsive pet project initiator who rarely sees them through, I continued the story for the next couple months before I got distracted by other things and left the story there.

The main character of the story is a high school girl who's part of a Hunter group consisted of her and her four sworn brothers, and she loves baseball and is a great pitcher. The first few chapters focus more on baseball, while the later chapters get more serious with the Hunter aspect as they interact with other Hunter groups.

With all the stuff I need to watch and play through, obviously I had long forgotten about this little unfinished work. But I've been watching the Cross Game anime lately and was reminded of my pet character 狼 from the story.

As I read through a part of my immature youth (『認めたくないものだな……自分自身の、若さ故の過ちというものを』), I couldn't help but laugh at the formulaic plot and disorganized story, but I also mentally noted to myself that I'd never be able to write like this again.

I actually planned out the next couple chapters leading up to the last mission in my mind, but my lazy nature reigned and thus my physical self was not able to catch up with my randomly leaping mental self, and the story was left on indefinite hiatus. There's times over the years when I gave a fleeting thought about finishing the story, but as time dragged on, it's just more and more difficult to recall what I had planned. Now I just figured the story to be too shallow to bother filling the hole.

And I'm totally considering starting another big hole maybe next year with Agion! XD

学べない奴だな。 orz
