Monday, November 08, 2010

PSP! ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )

Finally got my paws on one today but... the manual says it plays region ALL or 1 UMD's only.


Well, I actually kinda expected that since it's Sony. The single Japanese game title in the offered list fooled me (and the guy selling it) into thinking it does.

Since there is indeed saved data for the Japanese game on the memory card, either the particular game is region ALL instead of 2, or the kid (of the guy selling it) had mod software loaded in the memory card in order for the R2 game to work.

Unfortunately, my PC doesn't have card reader slots and I don't have a USB cable that fits, so I can't check the actual content of the memory card. I'll probably enlist some help and get a screen cap of the content to see what's inside. If luck is on my side (which is not very often), I won't need to get it modded myself! *crosses fingers*

BTW, for anyone out there selling your 2nd-hand system: erase your data first. Or at least check with your kid before selling it.

I was able to tell the main player's name and gender (the kid), some (if not all or most) games that's been played on the system since maybe when the system was purchased originally, and that they had a USB cable that fits. Nothing major, but still.