Thursday, September 30, 2010

Starting today, people all over the world who didn't jump at the Collector's Edition of Final Fantasy XIV will be able to embark on the new adventure with the Standard Edition.

I would have been one of those people if my video card was high-end enough. orz

The system requirement and specs for Final Fantasy XIV wasn't available when I got Cygnus, so I stupidly believed the sales guy that the video card would be able to run it. Such a bitter after taste when I realized it just prior to the game's release...

So I am going to get a new video card along with PS3 this Christmas!

I thought about getting a new monitor as well to replace my current 17" non-wide, VGA-only screen so I can get the best out of the new card (whichever card it'd be), but I think I will be able to pull it off by connecting Cygnus to my 32" panel via HDMI instead. I might need to get a new set of keyboard and mouse, which I have been planning to anyway, but it'll still be cheaper than a new 22"+ monitor.

Of course, I'll still need to get a new monitor when my 17" screen dies, but now I can wait until the time comes. The later the better.

Here's hoping to start gaming in 2011! :x