Sunday, July 18, 2010

I saw the above links and couldn't resist taking the survey.

No sure when the surveys were compiled, but they seem to lack some of the newer seiyuu. The female seiyuu list is missing a lot of seiyuu, especially considering that there's more female seiyuu than male seiyuu out there...

Here's the result for the top 14 female seiyuu:
1 桑島法子
2 朴王路美
3 坂本真綾
4 釘宮理恵
4 田中理恵
4 豊口めぐみ
4 久川綾
4 雪野五月
9 伊藤静
9 井上喜久子
9 堀江由衣
9 三石琴乃
9 皆川純子
9 ゆかな

No surprise on the top two there as they've always been the 1st and 2nd on my list. Kind of figured Sakamoto Maaya would be the 3rd, too. The list from the 4th place down doesn't quite fit what I would imagine it, however. I'd probably replace a third of the people with others placed lower than 15th.

Top 13 male seiyuu result:
1 石田彰
2 小野大輔
2 宮野真守
4 置鮎龍太郎
4 神谷浩史
4 小西克幸
4 子安武人
4 関智一
4 中井和哉
4 中村悠一
4 福山潤
4 保志総一朗
4 若本規夫

Ishida Akira at the top is expected. Seki Tomokazu, whom I had stated as my 2nd favourite male seiyuu back in 2008, is 4th place. This actually fits what I've been feeling lately, that his 2nd place standing is being threatened by a few other seiyuu. Those other seiyuu are Ono Daisuke and Miyano Mamoru, which are placed 2nd here. I think this list is quite accurate if I were to compile a list myself.

That was an interesting hour spent doing the surveys and writing up the post. XD