Thursday, September 16, 2004

Gundam SEED ep.25-26

Under the hot pursuit of Athrun's squad, AA enters the peaceful neutral country, Orb. Cagalli's true identity is revealed to be the daughter of the Orb Prime Minister Uzumi Athha, and sudden realisation hits Athrun as he listens to her claim amidst the chaos.

モーメント is the mid-point summary episode with Nishikawa as narration, wrapping up all the story so far as well as the feelings and emotions between the five youth: Kira, Athrun, Flay, Lacus, and Cagalli. Almost no new stuff here, but the insert song "meteor" is definitely one of the best songs of SEED!

The slow climb is nearly over and the stage is about set for the roller coaster ride to begin.