Friday, June 18, 2004

Chrno Crusade ep.24

It's obvious from where the plot was going, but I wish they could show more of their last time together. This is, after all, a crusade Chrno goes through before and after meeting Rosette. Comparing from the last episode, this is really anti-climatic. Most of the episode is spend with Reminton's thoughts and pondering, and the foretelling of disasters took up another big chunk, which is a real shame because those took away the focus from the pair. I can't say I am not disappointed, but I did expect it. It's sad, if you ask me, that I've come to expect inferior endings in the anime version of their manga counters.

It is extremely difficult to conclude a series with a good ending. I guess I just want them to go on forever. Parting is always so hard. When watching any show or reading any story, I often find myself eager to know what happens next but dread the moment when the end would come. This, I suppose, is human nature,