Saturday, October 16, 2010

戦国BASARA弐 ep.6

Toyotomi's level probably far surpasses that of Honda-bot or even the last boss of the first season, Wakamoto NorioOda Nobunaga. もうありえないレベルだ。 Why go through the trouble of securing and dropping a space colony, when one Toyotomi can probably do the same damage in no more than a few dozen punches? He's even re-usable!

Yukimura learns the lesson that Kojuurou wanted Masamune to learn before... Kira would be smirking if this were a Gundam 4-koma.

Took me almost the whole preview time to realize it's Namikawa. There should be a Sasaki Kojirou to go with Miyamoto Musashi! XD

With all the Gundam references I threw here, I just remembered that I made a quick list of Sengoku Basara seiyuu in Gundam series before. With the change in characters in the 2nd season, here's a new list up to ep.6.

中井和哉 (伊達政宗) - X
保志総一朗 (真田幸村) - SEED, SEED DESTINY
森川智之 (片倉小十郎) - (V), (W), X, (0083)
玄田哲章 (武田信玄) - (1st), (ZZ), (G), 08th MS, (0083)
子安武人 (猿飛佐助) - (V), (G), W, SEED, SEED DESTINY, (0083), (F91), (∀)
朴璐美 (上杉謙信) - ∀, (SEED Special Edition), (00)
森田成一 (前田慶次) - SEED DESTINY
石野竜三 (長曾我部元親) - (V), W
中原茂 (毛利元就) - W
藤原啓治 (松永久秀) - (V), (G), (W), (X), (08th MS), (00)
古谷徹 (小山田信茂) - 1st, (Z), CCA, 00
甲斐田裕子 (まつ) - (UC)
置鮎龍太郎 (豊臣秀吉) - (W), (SEED), SEED DESTINY, (00 S2)
石田彰 (竹中半兵衛) - SEED, SEED DESTINY
浪川大輔 (宮本武蔵) - (0080) ,(SEED Special Edition), (Z New Translation I-III), 00, (UC)

(Parenthesis denotes series where the seiyuu plays a character but does not pilot a Gundam. No, Zaku and MA are not Gundam.)

I compared the 1st season to watching G Gundam when I described my impression to Neko-tan. I think the 2nd season further affirms the connection between the series with the Gundam series after numerous displays of Toyotomi's extraterrestrial strength. XD