Sunday, March 04, 2012

トロ・ステーション 第122回

It's another week of Toro Station!

The first part of vol.122 features Kuro and Toro taking a three-day train trip to Hokkaido. They started with the Hokutosei(北斗星) train, which departs Ueno at 1900 and arrives at Sapporo at 1100. The meal car also provides French cuisine, which requires a reservation at least 3 days prior. For people who don't reserve for special cuisine, there's a limited-seat bar time that serves hamburgers (which also looks good).

The two felines cruised around Hokkaido on four different train routes, tasting mouth-watering local dishes such as lamb Genghis Khan(ジンギスカン) and Kattedon(勝手丼). Of course, there's also the famous train lunch boxes(駅弁). どれもすっごく美味しそう!北海道に行きたい~~

Other than food, there's also views as seen from the trains, including Japanese cranes and drift ice. The trains were also some spectacles themselves as well.

The second part of vol.122 talks about an entry in the PS Store Game Archives section: 悪魔城ドラキュラX 月下の夜想曲 (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night). The only Castlevania game I've ever played was a Famicom one, maybe the first one. Symphony of the Night is apparently one of the best games in the series, and the play system seems to offer a variety of play styles in addition to the RPG-like levels. One of those games I'd want to play someday~ (and no, I can't buy anything off the PS Store 'cause they don't take overseas credit cards. orz)

Last week's Toro Station reviewed another game that I'd want to play: Tales of the Heroes Twin Brave (PSP). It's basically a hack and slash type of game featuring two characters from each and all Tales series. For each character, there's also a serious route and a comical route. I only know some of the Tales series from anime, but I'd definitely want to know more about the franchise and the various characters! This one is on my (extremely long) wish list for games~

On a side note, I get an error message when trying to log into the PSN today. Hopefully this gets fixed before next week's Toro Station. :(