The day that millions of DQ fans (in Japan) have been waiting for was finally here! The invasion of the blue slimes! ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )
Needless to say, related pictures and videos have popped up everywhere on the internet. Looking at them makes me want to have one even more! ・゚・(つд`)・゚・
However, beside the blue slime, there are other types of slimes in the game as well. So people have come up with clever ways to recreate them from the base slime.
I was quite impressed by the metal slime (but very weary of the edible spray...) and had to suppress my laughter when I saw the hoimi slime (at the office during lunch time). XD
On a side note, my slime has surpassed Saluki and reached lv.30, but still very very far from lv.99 (if I ever reach it). Bianca's announced pregnant so Saluki will likely become the father of the legendary Hero after he gets the throne back. If all goes well, maybe by this weekend. XD
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Saluki has married Bianca for as long as they both shall be resurrected from death in the church!
I guess it was inevitable, but I felt forced into the marriage. After separating with Prince Harry (whose younger brother was named Prince Wilbur), I was quite happy exploring the world with my slimy companions before I ran into Bianca, whom I hadn't met for 10 years. At the tender age of 16, my main-character-but-not-the-Hero Saluki got married to a girl he met and hang out with for a few nights busting the ghost tower at the age of 6.
Long story short, I had to choose between three girls (a 3rd bride candidate popped up the morning I was to announce my decision). Frankly, I don't know any of the girls enough to marry them. orz
So at the end I went with the childhood acquaintance Bianca. I'll pick the other two in the next playthroughs...
But I'm sticking Bianca in the wagon as much as possible and keeping my slime formation for most of the battles. XD
The two slime knights are indeed great comrades to have, with high stats and exceptional defence against many magic types. My slime (also my very 1st monster) isn't as strong, but faster in speed and definitely much cuter in style! There's a 2nd slime in the wagon for stats comparison to see which slime to keep in the final party markup. A 3rd slime is at the monster keep.
...I got distracted by my slimes. XD
Anyway, I'm no longer single and will be exploring the world with my newly wed wife Bianca. We'll see when my legendary Hero son gets born and what happens after that.
On a side note, I was hoping to name my future Hero son Yoshihiko after the Hero in the gag live-action drama series, but I think it'll only take up to 8 characters. In which case, I might just name him Yuusha. XD
I guess it was inevitable, but I felt forced into the marriage. After separating with Prince Harry (whose younger brother was named Prince Wilbur), I was quite happy exploring the world with my slimy companions before I ran into Bianca, whom I hadn't met for 10 years. At the tender age of 16, my main-character-but-not-the-Hero Saluki got married to a girl he met and hang out with for a few nights busting the ghost tower at the age of 6.
Long story short, I had to choose between three girls (a 3rd bride candidate popped up the morning I was to announce my decision). Frankly, I don't know any of the girls enough to marry them. orz
So at the end I went with the childhood acquaintance Bianca. I'll pick the other two in the next playthroughs...
But I'm sticking Bianca in the wagon as much as possible and keeping my slime formation for most of the battles. XD
The two slime knights are indeed great comrades to have, with high stats and exceptional defence against many magic types. My slime (also my very 1st monster) isn't as strong, but faster in speed and definitely much cuter in style! There's a 2nd slime in the wagon for stats comparison to see which slime to keep in the final party markup. A 3rd slime is at the monster keep.
...I got distracted by my slimes. XD
Anyway, I'm no longer single and will be exploring the world with my newly wed wife Bianca. We'll see when my legendary Hero son gets born and what happens after that.
On a side note, I was hoping to name my future Hero son Yoshihiko after the Hero in the gag live-action drama series, but I think it'll only take up to 8 characters. In which case, I might just name him Yuusha. XD
Sunday, November 20, 2011
There seems to be a misperception among my friends that I'm good with computers. Well, I suppose I did use to sell computers and stuff, but not doesn't mean I know how to use the software.
So while trying to see what the graphic interface for Windows shutdown is like to compare to a Madoka fan art Neko-tan sent me, I clicked on the shutdown button in the start menu... And Windows just shut down by itself without showing me that interface. orz
(Now that I think of it, I run on classic theme, so the graphic interface for shutdown would be turned off...)
When's the last time I shut down the computer? Early last year when I was switching to boot from XP to use the scanner? I decided to use this opportunity to put in the memory sticks I got... oh, maybe a year ago? XD
Putting in the ROM sticks was easy. I also took the PC out to the balcony and dust sprayed it. Let me give you an advice here: it's not the brightest idea to wear a T-shirt and shorts when there's a wind chill factor (and it was just blowing gusts like crazy) of -2°C.
Anyway, I put the case cover back and plugged everything back. Switch on!
...what is that loud noise I hear? orz
Turned out I disrupted the balance previously achieved by the back fan casing and it was protesting, loudly. I had to toy with the four screws on the back for a long time to find that balance back. But I was very happy when I did! :D
Now my PC runs with 8GB of ROM, and every action is so much faster than before! I know 8GB isn't a lot in PC standard, but I went from 512MB → 4GB → 8GB. You can see it's revolutionary for me. XD
The two sticks I put in are actually slightly slower than the two originals, but unless I play high-end games, I probably wouldn't notice the difference. A lot of my PC games only run on XP anyway so the slightly slower speed also doesn't matter in that aspect.
Hopefully I won't run into hangs and crashes (I presume they were all memory-related) in the near future again. XD
So while trying to see what the graphic interface for Windows shutdown is like to compare to a Madoka fan art Neko-tan sent me, I clicked on the shutdown button in the start menu... And Windows just shut down by itself without showing me that interface. orz
(Now that I think of it, I run on classic theme, so the graphic interface for shutdown would be turned off...)
When's the last time I shut down the computer? Early last year when I was switching to boot from XP to use the scanner? I decided to use this opportunity to put in the memory sticks I got... oh, maybe a year ago? XD
Putting in the ROM sticks was easy. I also took the PC out to the balcony and dust sprayed it. Let me give you an advice here: it's not the brightest idea to wear a T-shirt and shorts when there's a wind chill factor (and it was just blowing gusts like crazy) of -2°C.
Anyway, I put the case cover back and plugged everything back. Switch on!
...what is that loud noise I hear? orz
Turned out I disrupted the balance previously achieved by the back fan casing and it was protesting, loudly. I had to toy with the four screws on the back for a long time to find that balance back. But I was very happy when I did! :D
Now my PC runs with 8GB of ROM, and every action is so much faster than before! I know 8GB isn't a lot in PC standard, but I went from 512MB → 4GB → 8GB. You can see it's revolutionary for me. XD
The two sticks I put in are actually slightly slower than the two originals, but unless I play high-end games, I probably wouldn't notice the difference. A lot of my PC games only run on XP anyway so the slightly slower speed also doesn't matter in that aspect.
Hopefully I won't run into hangs and crashes (I presume they were all memory-related) in the near future again. XD
Friday, November 18, 2011
I don't have a very strong grip. So when I had trouble opening the cap for a bottled juice tonight, I thought I was just weak.
Occasionally these caps are too connected to the bottom ring and the links need to be cut. But it's not the case this time, as I cut loose the ring completely, and the cap still refused to budge.
I was at my wit's end. Then this simple yet elegant scientific principle dawned on me. I used the hair dryer on the cap. 「アラ不思議!」 It popped open just like that with one little twist! XD
This is why you should pay attention to science classes in elementary and high schools. Anything beyond you can forget 'cause they're either too complicated to retain after you graduate, or they keep changing.
Occasionally these caps are too connected to the bottom ring and the links need to be cut. But it's not the case this time, as I cut loose the ring completely, and the cap still refused to budge.
I was at my wit's end. Then this simple yet elegant scientific principle dawned on me. I used the hair dryer on the cap. 「アラ不思議!」 It popped open just like that with one little twist! XD
This is why you should pay attention to science classes in elementary and high schools. Anything beyond you can forget 'cause they're either too complicated to retain after you graduate, or they keep changing.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
秋番アニメ スタート!
Fate/Zero ep.1-3
- 何この劇場版レベルのクオリティー、すっげぇ迫力!超高価のAniplex USAでも、絶対blu-ray買う!
- Fate/stay night本編の十年前の話だから、恐らくほぼ全員死ぬ。どんな出来事か、真実を知りたい
- あの虚淵玄のことだ、どういう鬱展開になる殺し合うが起きるのか、見逃しないように!
未来日記 ep.1-3
- 怖!ヤンデレ怖!こんなに病んでるアニメを見るのは、ひぐらし以来だ。解篇はあるのか
- ムルムル先生の裏未来日記は良い感じ
- Fate/Zeroと同じ殺し合うモノなんだけど、感覚は全然違うよな…
真剣で私に恋しなさい! ep.1-3
- 設定はちょっと滅茶苦茶けど、このキャストは豪華すぎるwww
- テーマの一つは「人との絆」らしい、大和も良い志を持ているみたいで、結構いけると思う
- 色んなネタがあるので、面白い!ヤドカリ、クッキ(両段)、松風。どっちも良いマスコットだwww
境界線上のホライゾン ep.1-3
- 登場キャラが多すぎ!名前なんて覚え切れない、全部声優の名前を入り替わるの方がオススメ XD
- 三話時点でまだ話が見えない。原作の厚さを考えると、無理もないかwww
- キャラクターそれぞれの設定が細かそうで悪くない、でもヴィジュアル的にはちょっと問題が…
ギルティクラウン ep.1-3
- 絵が凄く綺麗で、演出も良い、第一話冒頭の挿入歌も大変気に入ってる。無論、澤野弘之の音楽は最高だ!
- ヴォイドって、ちょっと心剣と似た物。ただし、心が通じるかどうかにも関わらず、無理矢理に引き抜くけど
- 大抵の要素は他の作品にもあるが、スタッフ次第で、どんなアニメになるか、お手並み拝見だ
- 旧版は原作とあまり変わらないので、また最初からリメークする意味あんの?代わりに、幽遊白書をやれよ!
- 最初はちょっと不安だけど、潘めぐみは思ったより良い感じ。竹内順子には敵わないが、それは相手が悪い
- 作画と演出は普通、ストーリーもすでに知ってるモノ、見物は声優だけってところかな
侵略!?イカ娘 ep.1-3
- 普通に面白いが、第一期ほどではないと感じます。なんか、電波が弱くなった
- いつでも早苗がいると、イライラする。やっぱり執着な同性愛には容赦無いな
- 第三話のラジオ体操はなかなか面白い。やらないけどwww
ちはやふる ep.1-3
- それぞれのキャラクターの個性はなかなか面白い、かるたにはめる気はないけど
- 少女漫画アニメにとって、こんな良い作画も動きは珍しい、これこそがMADHOUSEの有効使い
- 声優的には太一の方が好きが、見た目はちょっと残念、そして明らかに片思いが報われないなタイプだな
C3 -シーキューブ- ep.1-3
- 単なる萌え系なら無理、せめて三割はバトル物で助かる。でもバカテストの面影が強いんで、結構微妙
- ロリ声が苦手から、普段はあまり田村と喜多村の歌を聞かない、しかしOPもEDも両方いい曲だな
- 演技的には、ゆかりんは三段声を使うので流石、ドSなさや姉は素敵、茅原は…相変わらずイライラする
ファイ・ブレイン 神のパズル ep.1-3
- NHK Eテレ番組の分際で、こんな豪華なキャストは反則じゃ~
- 数独以外のパズルを考えるのも面倒から、こういうテーマは別に好みじゃないが、キャストに釣られた
- また福山潤の新しい声を発見、夏~秋アニメをまとめて見ると、実に自在な声の持ち主だ
バクマン。2 ep.1-3
- 確かに演出としてはただの動き漫画に見える、でも自分は漫画が大好きで、問題ない
- 色んな漫画家とコンビはそれぞれの信念や覚悟を持ち、少年漫画の道に進む。燃えるぜ~
- ここもまた森田さんの新しい声を発見、キャラ自体とその考え方も面白い。あとラッコはカワイイ XD
ベン・トー ep.1-3
- イイ!半額弁当はイイ!狼はイイ!戦いはイイ!実に熱い!
- 本当は大した内容じゃないが、ここまで進化させてとは…板垣伸という男に要注意だ
- 宮野の魔導士はカッコイイ!そんな誇り高き狼と出会った以上、ただの猟犬になれるものか!
僕は友達が少ない ep.1-3
- 流石の残念系青春ラブコメ、残念なところがいっぱい、色んな意味で XD
- 一見すると、ちょっと電波女のキャラデザと似てるが、あれほどキラキラしてない、また残念
- 2話のモン狩やギャルゲーネタは面白い。なるほど、女子はそんな目で攻略キャラを見てるんだ(違う
WORKING'!! ep.1-3
- 二期だから、キャラも設定もほぼう成立した、だいぶ落ち着いてます
- 佐藤の轟への想いはいつか叶うといいな、伊波のも(←何でこういう作品にロマンを求めるんだ、この人)
- 山田がそんなに嫌がってたのに、たやすく手の平の上で遊ばれた、流石小鳥遊家の腹黒小学生
灼眼のシャナ III Final ep.1-3
- ちょっといきなりけど、二期やOVAを最近見終わったため、何とか三期の冒頭との繋がりが出来る
- XVI巻からXXII巻まで、小説七巻でアニメ24話ぐらい、J.C.STAFFいつものペースなら心配だな
- OPを見ると、両方の人物がガンガン出てくる、いよいよ全面戦争が白熱化し、最後まで楽しみ
君と僕。 ep.1-3
- マイペースな双子に結構気に入ってる、特に悠太の方、いつもお見通しなツラでみんなを見守る
- 原作は4コマのため、主線という物は特にない、でも見る度にフワフワで心地良い
- 演出ぽいのにゃんこ達がいっぱいある、これはまたニャンコ先生と違うのおいしいさ XD
UN-GO ep.1-4
- 主人公役の俳優さんはなかなか、豊崎の新しい声も良い感じ、普段の声より耳に優しい
- ストーリーは普通に面白い、むしろちょっと重いくらい、でもあのキャラデザインは残念すぎ
- 風守はぬいぐるみのままの方がずっとカワイイのに、惜しいだな
ペルソナ4 ep.1-3
- 出来るだけ原作ゲームを忠実に再現するだそうです、道理で作画演出や雰囲気に嵌れちゃう
- 主人公のステータスは物語が進むと少しずつ成長してる、実感あり~
- 最初はちょっと怖いかもと思う、でも本当は自分探しの青春熱血推理劇。まあ、死人が出るけど…
機動戦士ガンダムAGE ep.1-3
- なるほど、全然燃えないけど、結構爆笑した、これこそがこの作品の真髄だなwww
- 色々馬鹿しすぎから、突っ込めば負ける。こんな時、笑えばいいと思うよwww
- 現時点で、栗林のEDや白い狼だけが見物。あと、誰が次世代の主人公の母となるかなwww
ラストエグザイル -銀翼のファム- ep.1-3
- 作画はいつものGONZO風、世界観と雰囲気は前作と同じ、声優も良い、これは期待できそう
- 黒石ひとみの音楽と坂本真綾のOPは相変わらずいい響き、Hitomiの歌もR2以来だな
- ディーオはやっぱり人気高いかな、登場した時思わず歓呼しながら彼の名前を呼んだ XD
加上春番三季作跟夏番雙季作,總共是23部。勉強算是範圍内,不過中間免不了會插入史萊姆養成遊戲或漫畫/小説,所以要照進度看應該還是有困難。至少Bleach半年番量的原創篇已經解決了,其他就看會突然想看什麼了。 XD
就三話的時間點,個人最期待的五部為:本命的Fate/Zero、ペルソナ4、ラストエグザイル -銀翼のファム-、ベン・トー、ギルティクラウン。
姆,總之秋番三話巡禮輪完了!明天開始衝企鵝跟栽培史萊姆勇者! XD
Fate/Zero ep.1-3
- 何この劇場版レベルのクオリティー、すっげぇ迫力!超高価のAniplex USAでも、絶対blu-ray買う!
- Fate/stay night本編の十年前の話だから、恐らくほぼ全員死ぬ。どんな出来事か、真実を知りたい
- あの虚淵玄のことだ、どういう鬱展開になる殺し合うが起きるのか、見逃しないように!
未来日記 ep.1-3
- 怖!ヤンデレ怖!こんなに病んでるアニメを見るのは、ひぐらし以来だ。解篇はあるのか
- ムルムル先生の裏未来日記は良い感じ
- Fate/Zeroと同じ殺し合うモノなんだけど、感覚は全然違うよな…
真剣で私に恋しなさい! ep.1-3
- 設定はちょっと滅茶苦茶けど、このキャストは豪華すぎるwww
- テーマの一つは「人との絆」らしい、大和も良い志を持ているみたいで、結構いけると思う
- 色んなネタがあるので、面白い!ヤドカリ、クッキ(両段)、松風。どっちも良いマスコットだwww
境界線上のホライゾン ep.1-3
- 登場キャラが多すぎ!名前なんて覚え切れない、全部声優の名前を入り替わるの方がオススメ XD
- 三話時点でまだ話が見えない。原作の厚さを考えると、無理もないかwww
- キャラクターそれぞれの設定が細かそうで悪くない、でもヴィジュアル的にはちょっと問題が…
ギルティクラウン ep.1-3
- 絵が凄く綺麗で、演出も良い、第一話冒頭の挿入歌も大変気に入ってる。無論、澤野弘之の音楽は最高だ!
- ヴォイドって、ちょっと心剣と似た物。ただし、心が通じるかどうかにも関わらず、無理矢理に引き抜くけど
- 大抵の要素は他の作品にもあるが、スタッフ次第で、どんなアニメになるか、お手並み拝見だ
- 旧版は原作とあまり変わらないので、また最初からリメークする意味あんの?代わりに、幽遊白書をやれよ!
- 最初はちょっと不安だけど、潘めぐみは思ったより良い感じ。竹内順子には敵わないが、それは相手が悪い
- 作画と演出は普通、ストーリーもすでに知ってるモノ、見物は声優だけってところかな
侵略!?イカ娘 ep.1-3
- 普通に面白いが、第一期ほどではないと感じます。なんか、電波が弱くなった
- いつでも早苗がいると、イライラする。やっぱり執着な同性愛には容赦無いな
- 第三話のラジオ体操はなかなか面白い。やらないけどwww
ちはやふる ep.1-3
- それぞれのキャラクターの個性はなかなか面白い、かるたにはめる気はないけど
- 少女漫画アニメにとって、こんな良い作画も動きは珍しい、これこそがMADHOUSEの有効使い
- 声優的には太一の方が好きが、見た目はちょっと残念、そして明らかに片思いが報われないなタイプだな
C3 -シーキューブ- ep.1-3
- 単なる萌え系なら無理、せめて三割はバトル物で助かる。でもバカテストの面影が強いんで、結構微妙
- ロリ声が苦手から、普段はあまり田村と喜多村の歌を聞かない、しかしOPもEDも両方いい曲だな
- 演技的には、ゆかりんは三段声を使うので流石、ドSなさや姉は素敵、茅原は…相変わらずイライラする
ファイ・ブレイン 神のパズル ep.1-3
- NHK Eテレ番組の分際で、こんな豪華なキャストは反則じゃ~
- 数独以外のパズルを考えるのも面倒から、こういうテーマは別に好みじゃないが、キャストに釣られた
- また福山潤の新しい声を発見、夏~秋アニメをまとめて見ると、実に自在な声の持ち主だ
バクマン。2 ep.1-3
- 確かに演出としてはただの動き漫画に見える、でも自分は漫画が大好きで、問題ない
- 色んな漫画家とコンビはそれぞれの信念や覚悟を持ち、少年漫画の道に進む。燃えるぜ~
- ここもまた森田さんの新しい声を発見、キャラ自体とその考え方も面白い。あとラッコはカワイイ XD
ベン・トー ep.1-3
- イイ!半額弁当はイイ!狼はイイ!戦いはイイ!実に熱い!
- 本当は大した内容じゃないが、ここまで進化させてとは…板垣伸という男に要注意だ
- 宮野の魔導士はカッコイイ!そんな誇り高き狼と出会った以上、ただの猟犬になれるものか!
僕は友達が少ない ep.1-3
- 流石の残念系青春ラブコメ、残念なところがいっぱい、色んな意味で XD
- 一見すると、ちょっと電波女のキャラデザと似てるが、あれほどキラキラしてない、また残念
- 2話のモン狩やギャルゲーネタは面白い。なるほど、女子はそんな目で攻略キャラを見てるんだ(違う
WORKING'!! ep.1-3
- 二期だから、キャラも設定もほぼう成立した、だいぶ落ち着いてます
- 佐藤の轟への想いはいつか叶うといいな、伊波のも(←何でこういう作品にロマンを求めるんだ、この人)
- 山田がそんなに嫌がってたのに、たやすく手の平の上で遊ばれた、流石小鳥遊家の腹黒小学生
灼眼のシャナ III Final ep.1-3
- ちょっといきなりけど、二期やOVAを最近見終わったため、何とか三期の冒頭との繋がりが出来る
- XVI巻からXXII巻まで、小説七巻でアニメ24話ぐらい、J.C.STAFFいつものペースなら心配だな
- OPを見ると、両方の人物がガンガン出てくる、いよいよ全面戦争が白熱化し、最後まで楽しみ
君と僕。 ep.1-3
- マイペースな双子に結構気に入ってる、特に悠太の方、いつもお見通しなツラでみんなを見守る
- 原作は4コマのため、主線という物は特にない、でも見る度にフワフワで心地良い
- 演出ぽいのにゃんこ達がいっぱいある、これはまたニャンコ先生と違うのおいしいさ XD
UN-GO ep.1-4
- 主人公役の俳優さんはなかなか、豊崎の新しい声も良い感じ、普段の声より耳に優しい
- ストーリーは普通に面白い、むしろちょっと重いくらい、でもあのキャラデザインは残念すぎ
- 風守はぬいぐるみのままの方がずっとカワイイのに、惜しいだな
ペルソナ4 ep.1-3
- 出来るだけ原作ゲームを忠実に再現するだそうです、道理で作画演出や雰囲気に嵌れちゃう
- 主人公のステータスは物語が進むと少しずつ成長してる、実感あり~
- 最初はちょっと怖いかもと思う、でも本当は自分探しの青春熱血推理劇。まあ、死人が出るけど…
機動戦士ガンダムAGE ep.1-3
- なるほど、全然燃えないけど、結構爆笑した、これこそがこの作品の真髄だなwww
- 色々馬鹿しすぎから、突っ込めば負ける。こんな時、笑えばいいと思うよwww
- 現時点で、栗林のEDや白い狼だけが見物。あと、誰が次世代の主人公の母となるかなwww
ラストエグザイル -銀翼のファム- ep.1-3
- 作画はいつものGONZO風、世界観と雰囲気は前作と同じ、声優も良い、これは期待できそう
- 黒石ひとみの音楽と坂本真綾のOPは相変わらずいい響き、Hitomiの歌もR2以来だな
- ディーオはやっぱり人気高いかな、登場した時思わず歓呼しながら彼の名前を呼んだ XD
就三話的時間點,個人最期待的五部為:本命的Fate/Zero、ペルソナ4、ラストエグザイル -銀翼のファム-、ベン・トー、ギルティクラウン。
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Apparently the country down south has something called the Black Friday, where crazy sales happen. Since I regularly receive e-newsletters from, I noticed there are video games on sale as part of the count-down to Black Friday.
With some random browsing and clicking, I ended up ordering three games: Cross Edge (going for 2x the price anywhere in Canada), Eternal Sonata (~$6 cheaper than, and Gundam Musou (almost 1/3 of the price anywhere in Canada, if one can even find it). The total of the order was just over $60 in US dollars, which normally would easily cost around $130 in Canada. Currency exchange rate? I save more on the 13% tax since it's shipped to Neko-tan's. XD
I thought I might also browse the anime section on to see if there's anything on sale that I have on the wish list. They've posted Twelve Kingdoms blu-ray part 3! It's probably only posted within the last few days so the pre-order is only at 10% off.
Right Stuf usually announces new pre-orders in their e-newsletters, but I thought I'd check just in case. They have it up already, for 24% off. Add to that my 10% membership discount, I can get it for 34% off!
So I sent an email to Right Stuf customer service for an item swap request, cancelling Twelve Kingdoms blu-ray part 2 and order part 3 instead. Then I placed the order for part 2 on, which has it on for the same price that I ordered from RS, but I save $5 on the tax. This would also keep my RS order under $200. Just waiting for a reply now.
Since RS only ships when they have all the items in the order (Arakawa blu-ray part 2 releases in early February 2012), I have lots of time to see if drops their price to below 35% off, then cancel the item with RS. I would still be over the $150 free shipping mark anyway.
When I clicked on the "place order" button for the two orders, it's done, just like that. It really doesn't feel like you're being a spendthrift until you get the bill...
On a side note, I figured I'd check just for the sake of it. Not only did they not have part 3, they also removed part 2! I'm glad I cancelled the order for part 2 with them and went with RS. -__-
On a even further side note, I'm starting to feel that shopping for anime and games online is like buying stocks. You have to keep an eye out to avoid the peaks and go for the troughs, and watch out where you buy it from. Takes so much time and energy out of you...
With some random browsing and clicking, I ended up ordering three games: Cross Edge (going for 2x the price anywhere in Canada), Eternal Sonata (~$6 cheaper than, and Gundam Musou (almost 1/3 of the price anywhere in Canada, if one can even find it). The total of the order was just over $60 in US dollars, which normally would easily cost around $130 in Canada. Currency exchange rate? I save more on the 13% tax since it's shipped to Neko-tan's. XD
I thought I might also browse the anime section on to see if there's anything on sale that I have on the wish list. They've posted Twelve Kingdoms blu-ray part 3! It's probably only posted within the last few days so the pre-order is only at 10% off.
Right Stuf usually announces new pre-orders in their e-newsletters, but I thought I'd check just in case. They have it up already, for 24% off. Add to that my 10% membership discount, I can get it for 34% off!
So I sent an email to Right Stuf customer service for an item swap request, cancelling Twelve Kingdoms blu-ray part 2 and order part 3 instead. Then I placed the order for part 2 on, which has it on for the same price that I ordered from RS, but I save $5 on the tax. This would also keep my RS order under $200. Just waiting for a reply now.
Since RS only ships when they have all the items in the order (Arakawa blu-ray part 2 releases in early February 2012), I have lots of time to see if drops their price to below 35% off, then cancel the item with RS. I would still be over the $150 free shipping mark anyway.
When I clicked on the "place order" button for the two orders, it's done, just like that. It really doesn't feel like you're being a spendthrift until you get the bill...
On a side note, I figured I'd check just for the sake of it. Not only did they not have part 3, they also removed part 2! I'm glad I cancelled the order for part 2 with them and went with RS. -__-
On a even further side note, I'm starting to feel that shopping for anime and games online is like buying stocks. You have to keep an eye out to avoid the peaks and go for the troughs, and watch out where you buy it from. Takes so much time and energy out of you...
Saturday, November 12, 2011
I procrastinate. When there's something more pressing that needs to be dealt with, my tendency is to do something else. You know, like how people would suddenly feel the urge to clean their rooms before a final exam. (What do you mean you don't?!)
So while attempting to finish the three-episode initial run for the fall season anime, I suddenly wanted to play games. Not those casual online games, but a solid game that would require my attention and emotion.
I started playing Dragon Quest V on Guren (my NDS) yesterday and have already clocked about 7 hours. My main guy, not yet a Hero, is still an escaped slave travelling with another escaped slave/former prince and three slimes. Yes, you can built a team consisting of the Hero and slimes. XD
In addition to the DQM element is the rumoured (well, it's known, but I'm not there yet) marriage and descendent system. With multiple bridal candidates to choose from, I'll probably need to replay the second half of the game several times. From the looks of it, it'll exceed the time I spent on DQ VI for sure.
Although, I have just three series left for the fall season anime initial run, so the goal line is within sight. Almost there!
So while attempting to finish the three-episode initial run for the fall season anime, I suddenly wanted to play games. Not those casual online games, but a solid game that would require my attention and emotion.
I started playing Dragon Quest V on Guren (my NDS) yesterday and have already clocked about 7 hours. My main guy, not yet a Hero, is still an escaped slave travelling with another escaped slave/former prince and three slimes. Yes, you can built a team consisting of the Hero and slimes. XD
In addition to the DQM element is the rumoured (well, it's known, but I'm not there yet) marriage and descendent system. With multiple bridal candidates to choose from, I'll probably need to replay the second half of the game several times. From the looks of it, it'll exceed the time I spent on DQ VI for sure.
Although, I have just three series left for the fall season anime initial run, so the goal line is within sight. Almost there!
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
I finally got my Fate/EXTRA today, eight days after the game's release (unless the release date is later in Canada, but highly unlikely). If it weren't for the pre-order bonus, I wouldn't had placed the order with EB Games... orz
And guess what? Not only did my game arrive late one week after the release date, I had to line up in order to get to the counter. Today also happened to be the launch date for Call of Duty MW 3. ORZ
While in line, I observed the people in the store, probably all trying to get MW3. It's obvious that many of the adults were there to buy the game for their kid(s) because the game is rated M. Behind me was a grandma-grandson pair, where the grandma was worried the grandson might not get a copy if they didn't pre-order. I guess the purpose of the M rating is just so that at least the parents would be approving their children playing it...
When it was finally my turn at the counter, I produced the prepaid receipt for my game, which was possibly the only non-MW3 game the store was handing out for the whole day given the long line up. I almost gave up myself when I saw the line extending all the way to the entrance.
The girl pulled the limited edition from the pile of stuff they received for today. Because it's such a niche game for the North American market, none of the staff knew about the game (and had to look it up when I asked about the pre-order). If I didn't point out that I ordered the regular version, she would had just let me walk away with the limited edition. Such a model customer I was...
On a side note, Aksys Games, the company that brought Fate/EXTRA to North America, finally put up some information on Hakuouki. There's no detail on what the limited edition will include, but the game has been rated M by ESRB because of the blood in some of the graphics and the text description. Really? Shouldn't you rate a lot of the TV shows and anime as 17+ as well by that standard? I kinda find it idiotic that my first M rated game is an otome game...
And guess what? Not only did my game arrive late one week after the release date, I had to line up in order to get to the counter. Today also happened to be the launch date for Call of Duty MW 3. ORZ
While in line, I observed the people in the store, probably all trying to get MW3. It's obvious that many of the adults were there to buy the game for their kid(s) because the game is rated M. Behind me was a grandma-grandson pair, where the grandma was worried the grandson might not get a copy if they didn't pre-order. I guess the purpose of the M rating is just so that at least the parents would be approving their children playing it...
When it was finally my turn at the counter, I produced the prepaid receipt for my game, which was possibly the only non-MW3 game the store was handing out for the whole day given the long line up. I almost gave up myself when I saw the line extending all the way to the entrance.
The girl pulled the limited edition from the pile of stuff they received for today. Because it's such a niche game for the North American market, none of the staff knew about the game (and had to look it up when I asked about the pre-order). If I didn't point out that I ordered the regular version, she would had just let me walk away with the limited edition. Such a model customer I was...
On a side note, Aksys Games, the company that brought Fate/EXTRA to North America, finally put up some information on Hakuouki. There's no detail on what the limited edition will include, but the game has been rated M by ESRB because of the blood in some of the graphics and the text description. Really? Shouldn't you rate a lot of the TV shows and anime as 17+ as well by that standard? I kinda find it idiotic that my first M rated game is an otome game...
水樹奈々 東京ドームライブ開催記念“7”時間SP
I actually started yesterday. Yay for time shift~ XD
7 hours of Mizuki Nana from 7 live tours picked by fans.
6: LIVE FEVER 2009
4: LIVE FORMULA 2007~2008
2: LIVE GAMES 2010
I've never watched Nana's solo live before, and I have to say it's a pretty awesome experience. There's a specific theme for each live and a short PV clip to illustrate that theme before the live. Nana's stage costumes were hits and misses for me, but her performance was definitely top notch all the way. It's literally CD quality sound flowing out directly from her mouth.
I want to especially point out LIVE GRACE 2011 -ORCHESTRA-. As the title suggests, beside the usual band, there's a full orchestra on stage with at least a dozen people singing the chorus in the back. It's definitely a unique live performance and further showcased Nana's vocal prowess. Although, I think the orchestra members were probably more surprised than the crowd. They likely had never seen a sea of UO (ultra orange, as I learned from the comments, which refers to the colour of the pen light for particular songs) like this when Nana performed ETERNAL BLAZE. XD
I actually did not use to pay any attention to Mizuki Nana, or anyone with a moe attribute, for that matter. According to Neko-tan, I'm somewhat anti-loli. By default, I dislike most of the things associated with loli or moe. But I'm also very subjective, so my views can be altered as long as one can prove one's self.
When I finally decided to try Nanoha A's a few years ago, I was instantly awed as ETERNAL BLAZE started playing. I've since been a fan of singer Nana. Haven't heard that much of her acting, but I consider her good enough to qualify as a seiyuu in my book.
The ? portion of the SP, LIVE JOURNEY 2011, was when Nana made the announcement for her next live, to be held on December 3rd & 4th at the Tokyo Dome: LIVE CASTLE 2011 King's Night and Queen's Night. She'll be the 8th female solo artist to perform at the Tokyo Dome, and also the first seiyuu artist to do so.
Now let me go ponder if I want to see the whole LIVE GRACE 2011 -ORCHESTRA- concert enough to go for the blu-ray...
7 hours of Mizuki Nana from 7 live tours picked by fans.
6: LIVE FEVER 2009
4: LIVE FORMULA 2007~2008
2: LIVE GAMES 2010
I've never watched Nana's solo live before, and I have to say it's a pretty awesome experience. There's a specific theme for each live and a short PV clip to illustrate that theme before the live. Nana's stage costumes were hits and misses for me, but her performance was definitely top notch all the way. It's literally CD quality sound flowing out directly from her mouth.
I want to especially point out LIVE GRACE 2011 -ORCHESTRA-. As the title suggests, beside the usual band, there's a full orchestra on stage with at least a dozen people singing the chorus in the back. It's definitely a unique live performance and further showcased Nana's vocal prowess. Although, I think the orchestra members were probably more surprised than the crowd. They likely had never seen a sea of UO (ultra orange, as I learned from the comments, which refers to the colour of the pen light for particular songs) like this when Nana performed ETERNAL BLAZE. XD
I actually did not use to pay any attention to Mizuki Nana, or anyone with a moe attribute, for that matter. According to Neko-tan, I'm somewhat anti-loli. By default, I dislike most of the things associated with loli or moe. But I'm also very subjective, so my views can be altered as long as one can prove one's self.
When I finally decided to try Nanoha A's a few years ago, I was instantly awed as ETERNAL BLAZE started playing. I've since been a fan of singer Nana. Haven't heard that much of her acting, but I consider her good enough to qualify as a seiyuu in my book.
The ? portion of the SP, LIVE JOURNEY 2011, was when Nana made the announcement for her next live, to be held on December 3rd & 4th at the Tokyo Dome: LIVE CASTLE 2011 King's Night and Queen's Night. She'll be the 8th female solo artist to perform at the Tokyo Dome, and also the first seiyuu artist to do so.
Now let me go ponder if I want to see the whole LIVE GRACE 2011 -ORCHESTRA- concert enough to go for the blu-ray...
Monday, November 07, 2011
Dumb phone
I always get confused whether I gain or lose an hour when daylight saving time starts and ends. Being the lazy person that I am, I usually rely on my computer to tell me.
Then I noticed the 1-hr difference between my computer and cell phone. Since I'm not diligent in some of the Windows patches, my XP was not adjusted to the daylight saving time for a period of time before. I thought it could be the same with my current Windows 7. But when I searched online for the correct time, my computer was right.
Why hadn't my cell phone adjusted to the correct time? Weren't they supposed to do that automatically? Maybe it'll do it later in the day, I thought. Nope.
Just now, I decided to try my luck and turn the cell phone off then back on, hoping it'd reconnect to the server and fetch the correct time. It did.
So a manual reboot is needed whenever daylight saving kicks in?! What a dumb phone...
Then I noticed the 1-hr difference between my computer and cell phone. Since I'm not diligent in some of the Windows patches, my XP was not adjusted to the daylight saving time for a period of time before. I thought it could be the same with my current Windows 7. But when I searched online for the correct time, my computer was right.
Why hadn't my cell phone adjusted to the correct time? Weren't they supposed to do that automatically? Maybe it'll do it later in the day, I thought. Nope.
Just now, I decided to try my luck and turn the cell phone off then back on, hoping it'd reconnect to the server and fetch the correct time. It did.
So a manual reboot is needed whenever daylight saving kicks in?! What a dumb phone...
Thursday, November 03, 2011
The guys that put in the new toilet, that is.
The company that manages my apartment recently bought new water saving toilets and shower heads for all the units in the building. The scheduled installation time is 9am to 5pm. When I returned at around 7pm, the guys were still around carrying off removed toilets and stuff.
I turned on the shower head. Everything seemed to be in order. The toilet was dry and empty inside, but the tank was filled. I tried flushing twice. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary... until I noticed the water mark around the base of the toilet. I poked my head out to intercept the guys collecting parts in the hallway of my floor.
Apparently it had a broken bowl, or something to that effect. The guy put in new toilet #2 (and made a wet mess at the same time while removing new toilet #1). He tested it and told me everything was fine now before heading out. A few minutes later I heard a sound suggesting that something got disconnected and fell.
Not feeling safe with just his test flush, I also tried flushing. There's no water seeping out from the bottom so it's not leaking. I then proceed to open the lid of the toilet... only to find two long bolts and a wrapped casket inside.
Luckily the guy that put in new toilet #2 was still out by the backdoor of the building cleaning up stuff. He poked around and decided that there was supposed to be a cap in there as well but it's got flushed down and stuck in the duct. Another guy said it's the cap for another toilet that he was putting in. (I don't really understand.)
They tried several ways to try to get the cap out, but to no avail. They just removed new toilet #2 and still trying to get the cap out from the hole as I type this. They'll need to put in new toilet #3, but not before they resolve the stuck cap issue. Who knows how much longer this ordeal will be. orz
Not to mention that I'll still need to clean up after this is all over...
Botched mission sucks! Especially when you're the victim as a result of one! (ノ`Д´)ノ~~┴───┴
PS. They finally put in new toilet #3 properly and left. I just finished cleaning up the mess and waiting for the bathroom floor to dry. Hopefully I won't need to hunt them down tomorrow for any up hiccups.
The company that manages my apartment recently bought new water saving toilets and shower heads for all the units in the building. The scheduled installation time is 9am to 5pm. When I returned at around 7pm, the guys were still around carrying off removed toilets and stuff.
I turned on the shower head. Everything seemed to be in order. The toilet was dry and empty inside, but the tank was filled. I tried flushing twice. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary... until I noticed the water mark around the base of the toilet. I poked my head out to intercept the guys collecting parts in the hallway of my floor.
Apparently it had a broken bowl, or something to that effect. The guy put in new toilet #2 (and made a wet mess at the same time while removing new toilet #1). He tested it and told me everything was fine now before heading out. A few minutes later I heard a sound suggesting that something got disconnected and fell.
Not feeling safe with just his test flush, I also tried flushing. There's no water seeping out from the bottom so it's not leaking. I then proceed to open the lid of the toilet... only to find two long bolts and a wrapped casket inside.
Luckily the guy that put in new toilet #2 was still out by the backdoor of the building cleaning up stuff. He poked around and decided that there was supposed to be a cap in there as well but it's got flushed down and stuck in the duct. Another guy said it's the cap for another toilet that he was putting in. (I don't really understand.)
They tried several ways to try to get the cap out, but to no avail. They just removed new toilet #2 and still trying to get the cap out from the hole as I type this. They'll need to put in new toilet #3, but not before they resolve the stuck cap issue. Who knows how much longer this ordeal will be. orz
Not to mention that I'll still need to clean up after this is all over...
Botched mission sucks! Especially when you're the victim as a result of one! (ノ`Д´)ノ~~┴───┴
PS. They finally put in new toilet #3 properly and left. I just finished cleaning up the mess and waiting for the bathroom floor to dry. Hopefully I won't need to hunt them down tomorrow for any up hiccups.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
After discovering the bonus item with EB Games in late September, I went and placed the pre-order for Fate/EXTRA the next day.
It's released today, but the store has not received the product... I thought the purpose of pre-order is so that you're guaranteed to get the item upon release?!
Hopefully they'll be able to get it soon, with the bonus item. Otherwise it'd be meaningless to place the pre-order with them in the first place. *crosses fingers*
It's released today, but the store has not received the product... I thought the purpose of pre-order is so that you're guaranteed to get the item upon release?!
Hopefully they'll be able to get it soon, with the bonus item. Otherwise it'd be meaningless to place the pre-order with them in the first place. *crosses fingers*
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