Monday, April 04, 2011


Back in the beginning of the year, I listed a few things I'd like to do this year. Let's do a quick review after the 3rd month.

③ finish reading at least H2, とらドラ, and 植物図鑑
- H2: vol.3 out of a total of 17 volumes (wide edition)
- とらドラ: vol.3 → vol.4 out of a total of 10 volumes + 3 spin-offs

④ finish at least one of Chrono Trigger, FF IV, or DQ IV
- Chrono Trigger: side quests after obtaining Epoch; no change
- FF IV: Dark Crystals arc; no change
- DQ IV: ch.3 → ch.5

March was a mixed month for me. Still working on the winter season anime, and I should be able to finish a few of them this week.

The biggest news in March was, of course, the devastating chain of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crisis that took place in Japan. I spent a lot of time online reading Japanese news, blogs, and tweeters in the second half of March, so there was very little progress in terms of my ACGN goals.

Kinda disappointed that I'm not able to join any charity efforts taking place on Niconico since I don't have a Japanese credit card, but the organizations I donated through should be equally effective in the front line. Waiting for things to settle down a bit more before I choose another one that focus on specific after care issues.