Monday, February 21, 2011


That's right, your eyes are not deceiving you. I cooked up some purple coloured rice porridge last night, and it was quite interesting tasting...

It started when I acquired two cases of sour berries (more commonly known as blue berries) and was trying to think up ways to consume them. My first thought was to throw them into curry, but I didn't feel like making it without meat. So I went for my second option and cooked rice porridge with it.

The recipe (or the lack thereof) is very simple. Just slow boil half of cup of rice as if making normal rice porridge, then dump 2-3 dozens of sour berries in. After one episode of anime, purple rice porridge awaited to surprise me (yeah, I blinked and just stared at it when I saw it). Then I added more water, threw in some veggies and a preserved duck egg, and went back to watch another episode. Et voilà!

The end result had a rather interesting taste (still very edible, mind you), so I called upon my trusty shredded pork (past best before date) to the rescue. Not bad, if I do say so myself. I think I just need to re-adjust the amount of sour berries I put in the next time.

Of course I'm gonna try again. That's why I froze the sour berries. XD

Since food is an integral part of my life in Ottawa, I figured I might as well make a separate label for it. This can also help me in documenting my cooking experiments! XD