Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I used to listen to internet seiyuu radio a lot a few years back, but only sparingly from time to time nowadays. These past few days I suddenly had the urge to play some casual games, and my preferred BGM when playing brainless games is either drama CD (ah, I should go back to translate Superior...) or internet seiyuu radio.

The majority of internet seiyuu radio programs are series-based and only temporary, while some of the non-series-based ones may last for years. Even though I can't understand every single sentence or topic, I feel rather at ease listening to the seiyuu chat. It's nice to hear them talking in their normal voice and share their experiences, which is kinda like that of a celebrity's but yet not quite. They usually reveal a lot of their personality on radio as well. XD

I just weaned myself of casual games tonight, at least for another while, so I won't be listening to internet seiyuu radio for hours every night now. But I found a few programs that I think I'll follow whenever I remember.