Monday, December 13, 2010

挑戦失敗... いや、一応成功かな?

Since I've been considering paying for a Premium Niconico account but have not done so due to the inability to view the Niconico Channel with my non-Japanese IP, it's been suggested to me that I try going through a proxy.


All the ones listed on the site are too slow and got timed out every single time, even when I just tried to load Google.

Just as I was about to give up and conclude the 1st round of challenge as failure, I decided to try looking at the comments to see if someone posted different sites...

It's loading! It also states my IP as Japanese! ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )

But the ones I've successfully used to connect to sites are still kinda slow, so it timed out several times when I tried loading a video in Niconico channel. There's a few dozen others I can try, so there's hope yet.

I think that's enough tempering with unfamiliar territory for me for the day, however, so I shall leave the continuation of the experiment for another day.