Thursday, August 05, 2010

As mentioned before, I got my current computer last year and tentatively named it Sirius. It was meant to be a temporary name until I upgrade to Windows 7 and give it an official name.

Almost two weeks ago, I finally dug out my Windows 7 upgrade disc and got rid of Vista. A new start calls for a new name, and after days of neglect and procrastination, the C drive no longer displays "Local Disk".

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Cygnus!

And here's how the name came about:
- Windows 7 => 七
- I want something to do with stars (and thus the previous name Sirius)
- 七 + stars = 北斗七星 (Big Dipper) => 北極星 (Polaris)
- "宿命にはりつけられた北極星が燃えてる" from the song Northern Cross (actually listening to a guy singing the song on Niconico right this moment)
- Northern Cross = Cygnus

Straight forward, no? XD

- Cygnus => 白鳥座の氷河 = Hyouga
But my favourite Bronze Saint is Shiryuu, and I want to stay with the star motif, so the idea was scratched on the spot...