Monday, November 09, 2009

A few days ago I saw a post on a forum somewhere mentioning the Hatsune Miku theme for the Google Chrome browser, which in term reminded me of Persona for Firefox. I've been embellishing my Firefox with Groovy Blue for almost two years now, so I figured it might be a good time to check out the gallery for other personas. Surely there's good ones out there!

And boy, was I in for a big surprise when I saw thousands of flavours in the gallery. I managed to browse through the entire Abstract section but couldn't bring myself to do the same for all the other sections except for the smaller ones.

There's a lot of very beautiful personas, but not all are practical and even fewer fit my Firefox both functionally and aesthetically. First of all, my Windows theme is set to classic, and the base colour is various shades of green. Then I have my Firefox icons as small, took out the search bar and extended the address bar all the way. Lastly I have a fully loaded Bookmark Toolbar. So the ideal persona needs to look good for the shorter height in the toolbar area and blend in with the Windows colours well, and it must show the texts and maybe fav icons in the Bookmark Toolbar clearly.

After hours and hours of trying out new outfits, I decided on the following personas and have them randomly displayed:
- Groovy Blue
- Firefox B
- Cosmic
- Blurry Blotches
- Watergarden II
- New Colors 1
- Floral Abstract
- concrete
- Aurora Sky
- Firefox Pierrinho
- Light & Blue

Some of these only have single-digit active daily users, which is a shame. If you use Persona for Firefox, definitely give them a try!

I was going to keep this post strictly about Firefox, but I couldn't help to not squeeze in a few paragraphs about a very funny series I am watching right now. The name of that very funny series is Gundam ZZ.

Yes, you read it right. It's a Gundam series (November is Gundam month, remember?), part of the UC timeline series, no less. Not only is Haman's carefully(?) brought up apprentice a complete Haman-worshipping idiot (I cracked up so many times at the literally rosy flashbacks of Haman handing down to Mashymre the know-hows), even Yazan, one of the most persistent and skillful pilots in Zeta, turned into a comedian with acts of running and falling into a manhole, or knocking down the main cannon of Endora as it was ready to fire at Argama with his fallen MS.

Of course, it's still early so things can easily turn ugly as Argama enters into space and encounters new and more serious enemies. Hopefully this won't be the last of Marshmellow (XD) and Yazan. Somehow I have a feeling that Yazan might make it through the series as long as he doesn't join Haman...

Protagonist-wise, Judau is a new kind of Gundam pilot for me, with his street-smart fighting style, bright personality and close bond with his group of merry-men. Very different from the somewhat introverted lone-wolf Gundam protagonists from some other series, especially Amuro and Kamille that preceded him.