Frankly, I'm not sure how I feel about this series... It's an AU series, yet it's almost entirely Newtype-centric. It seems to be paying homage to the First Gundam (the pink film bubbles for taping up air leaks in space, too!) in a number of areas, but at the same time doesn't construct a realistic enough world view and stand points to support the ethereal concept of Newtype as depicted in the series. The anti-climax at the end to end all talks of Newtype kind of made me want to demand a refund for all the hours I had invested in the show. Luckily(?), I haven't got to the Newtypes yet in the First Gundam and was thus able to sit through all these Newtype nonsense in X.
Visual-wise, X is pretty consistent throughout. The character designs are okay, though sometimes some of the characters look like they belong in Wing. The mecha designs I never really got used to, except for GX, Air Master Burst, and Leopard Destroy. Double X's face looks like a catfish to me. XD It looks nice when it opens up the reflectors getting ready for the Satellite Cannon, though.
The story jumps quite a bit from genre to genre, so there's times when it's building up something good, and times when it's barely tolerable. One can easily get distracted with all the "side stories", but I personally find some of the side stories to be better told than the main plot line. Of course, that has a lot to do with the characters involved.
While the two protagonists are, without fail as in many robot anime, 15-year-old early teens, all the other characters are either late teens (which look and act like young adults than teenagers) or grown adults. This gives the show a good balance character wise and provides a more mature outlook on things. I didn't like Garrod in the beginning and thought him to be an annoying kid, but he grew so much that I ended up liking him in the end. Can't say the same for Tiffa (her psychic power and manners irritate me all the way), but she's opened up quite a bit, too. My favourite characters are Wits and Kid. Tonya is cute, and I totally support Wits x Tonya. XD
Unlike the other Gundam series, there is no last boss figure in X. The closest candidates, the Frost brothers whom I considered a dark force behind the scenes, failed to level up to the last boss status and remained just a dark force behind the scenes. Speaking of which, the last scene where the two brothers (one in a wheelchair and the other wheeling it) stood at a short distance away just made me want to orz. I see. So this is the so-called pseudo-ending, where they simply leave things there and pretend that it's intended and up to the audience for interpretation...
Considering the year of airing, X didn't have many big name seiyuu playing the main characters, but a lot of the seiyuu that appeared in it, even just for one episode, are now well known in the industry. X is also what made me realize the high Gundam pilot ratio in Sengoku BASARA because this is the only series where Nakai Kazuya and Morikawa Toshiyuki piloted a Gundam.
If you're confused at the lack of coherency of the post, that's because that's exactly how I feel about Gundam X. I'm just glad I finished it and can move on to the next one. By that, I mean going back to the First Gundam. XD
The Quest:
機動戦士ガンダムII 哀・戦士編
機動戦士ガンダムIII めぐりあい宇宙編
機動戦士Ζガンダム 星を継ぐ者
機動戦士ΖガンダムII 恋人たち
機動戦士ΖガンダムIII 星の鼓動は愛
機動戦士ガンダム0083 STARDUST MEMORY
機動戦士ガンダム0083 ジオンの残光
機動戦士ガンダム 第08MS小隊 ミラーズ・リポート
機動戦士ガンダム MS IGLOO -1年戦争秘録-
機動戦士ガンダム MS IGLOO -黙示録0079-
機動戦士ガンダム MS IGLOO2 重力戦線
機動戦士ガンダム00 S2
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