Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Look, it's him, Mario!

Well, it's not exactly Mario, but it's a plumber all right. Our kitchen sink got clogged after we ran the dish washer, which gets used once every three months or so in average, the day before, so we called in a long-time acquaintance of Mum's who happens to be a plumber.

A lot of people think it's dirty work, in the literal sense, and would prefer their children choose something else for a career. But, boy, would we be hooped without them.

While we were at it, we decided to have the whole plumbing system in the house checked and cleaned. The job took a good couple of hours and another hour or so to clean up the aftermath, but now all pipes are running well. Yay for plumbers! :)

This post was brought to you by the current temperature, -4°C. XD