No, the self-restriction hasn't been lifted. I just thought I'd take a breather. Not writing for too long gets me frustrated...
So we start off with the YOU'VE-GOT-TO-BE-KIDDING-ME result of the game tonight between the Canucks and the Ducks. We were leading 2-0 when we closed the store. How did it get to 2-1 by the time I got home, 2-2 after a few minutes of watching, and 2-3 OT just after I finished making supper!? Come on, people! That's two straight lost at home! We're down 1-3 going down to Anaheim! That means we'll have to get to game 7 to win! And we were all so positive you'd won for sure tonight... -___-
Started wearing steel-toes today for work. They actually feel quite all right, just much heavier than your normal shoes. Every step takes more effort to make, giving me the illusion of training my feet like in those martial arts manga... XD
不要懷疑, 自主性限制還在實行中, 我只是上來喘口氣。太久沒寫東西的話, 我會鬱卒...
首先來看本日最令人火大的消息: Canucks 對 Ducks 的比賽。關店的時候還是領先 2-0, 我回到家的時候變成 2-1, 看了幾分鐘以後變成 2-2, 然後做飯做到一半在 OT 被進分。你們在搞什麼啊~! 連輸兩場 home games 耶! Series 變成 1-3 了耶! 這樣就非打到第七場不可了! 大家本來對今晚的比賽都信心滿滿的說...
今天開始穿鐵片鞋上班, 感覺還好, 只是比一般的鞋子重了些, 每一步都要多花一點力氣抬腳。不禁想到七龍珠等穿重物訓練的格鬥漫畫... XD
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