Monday, January 02, 2006

'Tis a day calling for celebration, for Little Black and Google Maps are resurrected!

After many months of being dead (and I've been kicking myself countless number of times for that seemingly innocent act of network attempt), Little Black, my dear little trusty notebook, is back in action! For the past year or so, Little Black would loses its OS from time to time and sometimes the hard drive when I boot it up. Everyone told me it's the motherboard battery and there's basically nothing I could do but to watch it die before my eyes, especially since digital isn't even around anymore. I was so sad because I still had some documents in there (e.g. the Christmas play I accidentally overwrote with another file of the same name on Coordinator), and ever since I switched to the desktop, I haven't really wrote at all. Hopefully having Little Black back would get some of that creative juice flowing again.

Ok, it's indeed miraculous to have a supposedly dead laptop back, but what's with the Google Maps? It's been working all along, isn't it? Well, here's the situation. Due to the bug with JavaScript setting the html page title and causing Firefox to hang for a reallllly long time, I applied the work-around and added a line to the prefs.js (which, frankly, I didn't even remember doing it). When it's set at "noAccess," Google Maps just doesn't load, and Gmail gives me a blank page after almost any action. To think that I even emailed the Gmail team on the problem... orz But everything is all good now. My Mozilla and Firefox are once more happy browsers. What about the security concern regarding the title loading thing? Well, I did it just to be on the safe side, but the exploit requires direct user interaction and doesn't work too well (just deleting the history seems to solve the problem anyway), so I'll just do without for now.