Sunday, August 22, 2004

Mum's tennis friends came over for a pot luck feast. Needless to say, we were busy preparing food before the guests arrived. Just as we were almost done with everything but the clean-up, the sink pipe was plugged. -__- Luckily, it was fixed after we called for someone.

Anyhow, the feast was good. Though I didn't have much as I was eager to return to the solitude of my room. No, I am not anti-social. Not that much, anyway. I had assignments to finish so I could go to the summer camp guilt-free.

They left some curry chicken and ribs (I loved the ribs, btw) for us afterwards. I suppose that would be Mum's staple when I'm off to the summer camp, and if there's any left, those'd be mine after I come back as Mum won't be here...