Thursday, July 15, 2004

クロノクルセイド第 20-24 話

They are really squeezing in a ton of stuff into three episodes, aren't they? Besides making Rosette the Saint and Ion's desirable tool, there's also the sub-story of Magdalena, the battle between Satella and Fiore, etc. Now, I don't know much about the manga, but I do know that the anime takes on a completely different path especially for the latter half of the story. From what I read about the manga ending, it seems a lot better and open-ended than the anime one. I have to admit that I am slightly disappointed at the depressing tone of the anime ending.

But it is just like me to disregard the dark and depressing part and focus on the part I like. XD The last sunset scene is probably the only time I've seen Rosette getting emotional because of her short lifespan. I guess one is bond to feel weak at a moment like that no matter how strong one is. Anyhow, I am sad to see the pair go, yet I feel calm and at peace at the same time. When Azmaria finds them and sees their peaceful expression, however, tears fell before I knew it. There are few fluffy moments between Rosette and Chrno in the anime, but I will surely miss those two.
