Thursday, May 06, 2004

How is "Coordinator" for a name? XP

No, I'm not obsessed with Gundam SEED. I'm simply following the naming convention. The previous PC was named New Type because it was much faster and superior than its predecessor, which was named Prototype when the hard drive was installed in the PC as a slave drive. So, since the new system is even better than New Type, I thought Coordinator might be a good choice. In a sense, the new system will lead the way, just like how the term "coordinator" came to being in SEED.

Of course, I'm keeping this to myself. I don't suppose anyone else would find the name meaningful. They'd either roll their eyes and snort in disdain, or give me a very strange look. Provided they know where I'm getting this name from. Anyway, it's Coordinator now. XD