Very interesting message. Useful, too. Though I'm not planning to walk down that path, I'm sure the series will come in handy.
3 myths about love:
1) Love conquers all
- love alone isn't enough; "If I keep loving him/her more, it's ok if he/she drinks"
2) Love at first sight
- it's just excitement; no connection and knowing at all, usually outward attraction
3)....... wasuredeta :P
8 scenarios where the relationship would never work out:
1) When you love your partner more
- no balance and always 'chasing' the other side
2) When you idolise your partner or mentor
- difference in attitudes (boss vs. secretary, etc.)
3) When you are on a rescue mission
- sympathy isn't the same as love; you're always treating the partner as the weaker
4) When you are attracted by physical/outer aspects
- superficial, doesn't hold once the partner changes outwardly
5) When you love the potential of your partner
- you need to be able to love the partner as of now, not treating the partner as a project
6) When it happens during a short yet exciting period
- meet someone during a trip, etc.; no real connection and knowing, lose feeling when parted
7) When you choose your partner to be rebellious
- it's out of spite, not love; relationship needs to be blessed by family of both sides
8) When you and your partner are available