Last day for filing income tax!!
The whole ordeal started out with quite a frenzy as I failed to locate one of my T4 slips. Thankfully, I was able to find the letter buried under the pile of stuff on the desk. ^__^;;
It took me about half an hour to key in everything, about the same as last year. But this year, we've decided to try filing it online to save ink/paper/money/time/frustration. Really, if we had to print off all three sets, it would had taken us (or more specifically, me, as I am responsible for every computer/printer problem in the house) hours just to get them right. The poor little old Canon has become a living dead for months now.
We're all happy when the tax filing was done and over with (and keep our fingers crossed and hope none of us get audited), we went to Tokachi for dinner. As usual, the green tea ice cream was the best part of the meal. XD We even happened to see one of our neighbours there, too.
But things started going downhill after the meal and some grocery shopping at T&T. Our garage door finally gave in. With the help of the neighbour's kid who was playing outside, we managed to get the cars out before the whole door crashed down. Thank goodness it's almost summer so it's not so much of a deal to park the cars outside. I hope it's not too expensive to replace the door thing. A lot of things seem to be needing replacement after 10 years: printer, garage door, fridge (anytime now), stove (sooner or later), answering machine. Yes, we just found that the answering machine had died while we were out. Oh, joy. -__-