Friday, March 07, 2003

After something like 2 hrs of struggling and wrestling with the code, I've finally managed to change the look to my liking! (well, somewhat...)

Introducing the so-called, Asuran Theme!

The archive part on the left is supposed to be Lacus Themed, but I guess it won't show until there's actually something to be archived...

Yes, I do realize that it doesn't look very good in IE, but I use Mozilla myself, and it doesn't look all that bad to me. Since this is my blog, created and maintained by me for my own purposes, as long as it looks fine to me, I'm sticking with this format.

Why don't I just use tables and get everything perfectly in less than 10 mins? Because I like to adhere to the standard, even it's just a blog. I may not be adept in using css and the div tag, but I try my best.