Thursday, August 28, 2003


很久沒看過這麼令人感動的片子了。原本以為ごくせん大概是女 GTO 之類﹐結果完全不是這麼一回事。

劇中有令人捧腹拍桌的爆笑片段、令人熱血沸騰的精彩場面、令人淚流不止的感動時刻﹐穿插著許多做人的道理及仁義﹐超級好看的! 最後慎的那句﹕「悪いけど、四人だ。」更是一絕啊!! XD

PS. 因為太喜歡ごくせん了﹐已經決定要以其為藍本寫 Slayers 跟 GW fanfic. 雖然是 based on same story, 不過會寫出很不一樣的東西吧。

PS2. 看到慎的第一個想到﹕森! 那個以前在「未滿都市 ~我們的勇氣~」裡跟在百合後面的小孩﹐曾幾何時已經長這麼大啦﹖哦﹐他叫松本潤啊﹖他長得不算帥﹐但是蠻有型的﹐搞不好會成為第一個我欣賞的男優... 他有演金田一啊﹖害我有點想看了說 ︶__︶



等老媽知道一定有得唸... -__-

Well, gotta pay the consequences of my own actions and decisions, ?

Thursday, July 03, 2003

原本看好四張CD要買﹐結果到了 Celebration 意外發現新專輯﹐Vineyard 跟 Chris Tomlin 立刻不戰而敗。

Vineyard Anaheim: Just Like Heaven
Vineyard Nordic: Desire
Soul Survivor: Glimpses of Glory
Martyn Layzell: Lost in Wonder


Thursday, June 26, 2003


高機動幻想 ガンパレード・マーチ 最高!!! XD
Got through the first day of training as a Tele Sales. It's been quite some time since I had to sit in a classroom environment and such. I suppose I'll just slowly adjust my sleeping habit...

Anyhow, my fever for Gunparade March continues. The Fan folder suddenly finds itself a few hundreds files fuller in a matter of two days because I started visiting fan sites and grabbing pics. , but there are so few official pics of GPM so I can't make any new avatar and have to stick to the old Hayami one...:( I'm already doing a Xel/Filia fanfic in GPM style, and I have yet to write that review. I'll probably get to do that sometimes next week, if all goes well. As far as I am concerned, this hype for GPM isn't going to die down anytime soon, seeing how it got on the All Time Favourite Top Five List with just one episode seen. Gunparade March !! XD

Starting playing Princess Maker 2 English yesterday... Is it just me, or does the game not come with sounds? It's probably me... I find the game quite boring, as all I've been doing is making my daughter work so I can afford to feed her and buy her stuff. The fortune teller keeps telling me that she'll turn out to be a farmer...-__- I guess I have her working in the farm for too long... She is not popular, has 0 refinement, charisma, and isn't cultured. I don't know how long the game is until her outcome is determined. She's almost 17 now. I wonder if it's not too late to make her into something better than farmer. We'll see. *shrug*

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Gunparade March!

I fell in love with it instantly after stumbling upon it accidently months ago, and I was delighted and excited to see the first episode on Even though my busy life has kept me from watching the 12 episodes I've burned onto the CDs, I never forgot about it.

Today, thanks to one of my best friends Dan, I watched the whole series in one sitting! I'm very happy. :)

True, Ishida Akira was what motivated me to watch GPM at first, but after a little browsing of the site, I decided to watch it. As I watched the drama of life and death, love and hate, as well as trust and bonds, the characters grew on me, and my heart goes out to them as they progress. GPM immediately earned a spot in my all-time top five list.

It's really hard to describe my feelings after watching it now, but I'll eventually get to it. After I watched it again, this time more closely, I'll write that review for

... :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Ah, the decisions...

After some searching today, I found another GIS program I can consider: Certificate of GIS @ SFU. This one, however, seems to be tougher to get in, requiring both a bachelor's degree in related field as well as work experience in GIS related environment.

Here's a breakdown of the two programs:
GIS Advanced Diploma @ BCIT
Duration: 9 months
Fee: ~$4500 Cdn
Focus: more technique oriented (lots of programming involved)
Method: lectures/seminars/practicum

Certificate of GIS @ SFU
Duration: 2 years
Fee: ~$10,000 Cdn
Focus: more design and implementation oriented (I don't really see any programming courses in there)
Method: distant education + seminar

Both are not easy to get in, especially with my barely-get-by marks at UBC... I'm still looking into these two options, as the earliest application date doesn't start until October. Let me think about it...

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Mozilla Firebird is quite swell, I must say.

Sure, it still has some features I don't like as much as the ones in Mozilla, but it's indeed living up to its name. The Christmas phoenix theme is one of the most beautiful themes I've seen/used, and I love it! The fact that Web site icons are visible in the bookmarks is a nice touch, too. Kudos to the theme author! The open all in tabs feature is handy for checking bookmarks except when, of course, there're just too many entries in one category.

Will the fiery king of the air beat the formidable lord of land and become the default browser on my computer? The answer isn't certain. Firebird is smaller and therefore faster than Mozilla, but feature-wise, it's hard to say which one I like better. They both have their own strength. Only time will tell, I suppose.

I am running Firebird right now, but Mozilla is still the default. I'm guessing that a definite winner won't emerge until the next version of both come out...
Well! Interesting how things turn out like this. After more tries and attempts, I'm going to enter the training class which starts on June 26, awaiting to be a bilingual outbound sales representative at RMH.

I'm sure 90% of the people in the marketing business with sales positions don't want to be sales, but it is still good to have the experience. As for me, I want to be a generalist, and I want to try as many different things as possible, be it labour works, office jobs, or weird and down right unusual. .

We'll see how the training and the first period before the assessment go. If all is well, I'll probably stay for the rest of the year. All in due time...

Too bad I'll have to miss the boot camp though... :(

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

The Wedding Singer.

Didn't think I'd like it because Adam Standler (sp?) starred in it, but was I in for a surprise. I didn't see the first bits so I don't know how much I missed, but what I saw pleased me. Well, what do you expect? I am a big fan for sap.

Hmm... This gives me an idea for a Xelia fanfic. (And this line sounds exactly like the cliché line from Art Attack... ^^;)

Friday, May 30, 2003

Hn, not perfectly to my liking, but good enough. For now.

After a month of frustration, I finally figured out why the archived links wouldn't show up on the left column: I didn't put in the JavaScript tag. Then more problem arose due to the incompatibility of the colours I originally set for the two columns. Using the JavaScript meant I can't specify different colour schemes for the columns (or, at least, I don't know how to), so I had to reset the whole theme to make it look presentable. I realize that it still needs some work, but I'm content to leave it the way it is now.

Paw Wow v.2, I name thee Midnight Blues (as opposed to the original Asuran Theme).
Kiddy Grade.

At first, I thought it's one of these series with fancy mech design, special CG effects, and fan service characters. I continued to think so until a few hours ago when I finished the last few episodes. True, the series has plenty of fan service shots and the pace is relatively slow until later episodes, but I enjoyed it, especially the second half. Not having seen the whole series, there are many unanswered questions, but that doesn't matter. The last battle between Deucallion and the ES-members is fascinating and exciting, at the same time beautifully done. Gonzo really is a leading company when it comes to 3D animation and CG effects. I don't quite like the female character designs, but almost everything else is nicely done. If I really have to point out its weakness, it's the lack of character depth. There're simply too many major players beside Eclair and Lumiere. While the two main characters grow as the series progresses, nothing much is done for the other characters, which is too bad because those other characters can provide much depth and prospective to the story.

Granted, Kiddy Grade probably is not making my list of top 20 anime, but there are a few episodes which I like a lot, and some themes displayed throughout the series are touching and moved me. An entertaining series, to say the least.

Thursday, May 22, 2003

One month has passed since I last posted anything due to my extremely busy schedule. What have I been doing lately? Nothing much. After the merchandising job with Brofort in Langley, I started down the path of distributor, doing door to door promotion for charities and non-profitable organizations such as Greenpeace and Canadian Mental Health Association.

Until this Sunday.

First of all, I really learned a lot during the week and a half I was working there. The team spirit was very high all the time, and the people were great. I got over the fear of ringing strangers' door bells and talking to them about donating money to charities. That was some experience! However, this job requires a full 8-hour on the field and takes up over 12 hours of my time everyday. As someone living with the family and also has a church life as well as web life, my time was reduced drastically. Plus, summer is coming and we'll be getting busy for some community evangelism! As a result, I had no choice but to discontinue being a distributor.

All in all, I really enjoyed my time at Bottomline Productions; I'm not closing the door yet.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Tales of Eternia: The Animation (I can't believe Namco pulled its ToE pages out...-__-)

It doesn't have anything special and the plot is quite typical, having been a byproduct of the RPG, but it is imposing to say the least. I started watching it because of Ishida Akira, but as I watched the series, I was drawn to the characters of Rid and Marone. Rid isn't the brightest guy on the block, but he is in touch with other people's feelings and hearts. Clumsy at times, yet caring and considerate, and always putting the others, especially his friends, before himself. Marone, having come from a tragic background, tends to isolate herself from others. After meeting Rid, she is moved by his caring heart and actions. Even though she wouldn't admit it, she sees Rid and the group as her friends and companions, and she opens up her closed heart to start caring for others. Both are serious when it comes to people they care about, and both would not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for their friends. Characters like them never fail to touch me.

All in all, Tales of Eternia: The Animation is far from being one of the greatest anime in history, but it's definitely worth watching, even if just for the two characters mentioned above. The series shall live in my memory.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

So, this is what merchandising is all about.

I'll be leaving for the fourth day of the project of merchandising the Langley Staples in a few hours. It's my first time doing night works but I think I'm doing all right. I get to see the sunrise a lot (well, it's been raining all week...)

After working for the past three days, I found myself not having enough time to do things as much as I want to. So I guess this is what working full time is like, huh?

Anyway, as this project lasts only three weeks, I'm still on the outlook for works at the same time. Hopefully, by the time this project is finished, I will be moving on to the next job!

Let's hope and let's pray. :)

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Ok, now this is getting stupid and pathetic. -__-

A few days before (April 9th) the lsass.exe system error thing popped up. The situation was resolved the next day (April 10th) using the restoration point from April 8th.

Tonight when I returned home from Langley, my brother informed me of another occurance of the lsass.exe system error. With the memory still very fresh in my mind, I set out to solve the problem with the same method as before, except that I actually went through a system restore after logging into windows. To be on the safer side, I chose to go back to April 7th.

When I tried to run Mozilla, the splash screen was the only thing that did work. Figured it must be messed up registry problem, I removed Mozilla 1.2.1 from the control panel and deleted the Mozilla folder manually. Then I ran RegSeeker to clean all the Mozilla registries before doing a clean install of it. Then Zone Alarm asked for my attention with an important update. I downloaded the update and installed it. It required to restart windows in order to complete the installation; I complied.

Guess what I saw after the restart? The lsass.exe system error box. Perhaps it wasn't a wise move to copy the registry from April 8th and run the system restore with April 7th's RP. Right now, I'm sticking with just the April 8th registry fix like the first time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping to never see the annoying error box again, ever.

.....I'm going to restart windows after I'm done tonight. I better not see those hateful words again.

Side note: Due to a ridiculous highway traffic jam, I decided not to take the road that would lead me to doom. After checking the unmapped region on the slightly outdated map book, I took a local route. To my delight, it's very empty and surprisingly nice to drive on. It took me less than 20 minutes to get home, and I didn't get lost despite the fact I've never went that way. :)

Thursday, April 10, 2003

I was close to hysterical earlier this afternoon. Why? I got to log into windows over that stupid lsass.exe system error!! :) For someone who is nearly illiterate when it comes to computer problems, this is a super big achievement for me!

Second note, I prefer Mozilla 1.2.1 over Mozilla 1.3 as of now. 1.3 runs slower than 1.2.1 for many sites, and I'm not quite used to its re-arrangement of the options for the right-click menu. 1.4a is out now, so maybe I'll just wait until 1.4 comes out...

Hmm, it seems that verson 1.4 on will be based on Phoenix. I've heard some praises for the browser; perhaps I'll try it myself in the near future.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

With the release of FFX-2, a lot of people are putting down the latest installment of Square's Final Fantasy series.

Truth be told, I was also somewhat disappointed when I saw the character arts at first. My impressions of Yuna totally changed just by looking at her new outfits, and I almost didn't feel like checking out the title further. Well, guess what? After seeing first the promotion video, and lately a couple of the CG movie clips as well as the ending clip, I am glad I didn't let my prejudice stop me in the first place.

Final Fantasy has set a standard for pretty much all the RPGs out there, and Square isn't afraid of trying new concepts and ideas and using them. With each new installment, Final Fantasy lives up to its name with the most efforts (and therefore final) from the staff.

I don't plan to play FFX-2 anytime since I've stopped playing console games for years now, but I keep following the stories of Final Fantasy. From what I've seen, FFX-2 has a moving plot as well as a powerful theme, love. Some people complain that the FF series always has love for a theme, but why not? Love is the single most powerful emotion a human can ever experience, and it is the most touching and moving, a force to be reckoned with. That's what makes the stories of Final Fantasy so great.

Granted, I don't play the games so I am overlooking all the technical difficulties such as repetitive battles/mazes/puzzles/etc., but when I play an RPG, I focus on the story. Otherwise, it is just an action game or challenging entertainment. If one cannot immerse in the story, how can one role play the character?

The whole FFX-2 bashing also reminds me of the fate of being a Christian. FFX-2 is judged harshly because it descends from a great name, and every gamer in the world recognizes it. The more publicity and fame it has, the more it's criticized and scrutinized. The same goes for us Christians. People recognize us and have certain expectations of us because of our titles. If there is a little spot that they don't like, they would not hesitate to point it out.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, we need to live up to the great title that's given to us by the Son of God. Live our lives according to the Bible and be living testimonies of the names we bear!

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Grr... I'm having trouble deciding what to do with the epilogue of (title for now). And I'm having difficulties picking the route of which I want the 'school fic' to take. Fanfic writing sure isn't an easy thing to do... , I'll send out the chapters first and see what kind of feedback I get. :)

I'm not happy :(
Why can't I play the avi and mpeg files with sound? I want to see and hear what happens! (Yeah, well, I don't understand Japanese, but FF has one of the most beautiful music out there!) Should I ask around at Haniwa-'s board? Hmm...
It's been almost two weeks since I last posted anything.

Saw the movie "Hero" twice last night. It is indeed very good and complex. The fighting scenes are well done and exciting to watch, and the way the whole story is weaved is exceptional. Mum watched it before and said that it's not something that can be comprehended by anyone easily. Everyone can see the story, but only some can read the meanings and complexity of it all.

... Gotta hurry up and go mow the lawn...

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

I guess I should had fried the fishes instead of baked them... My stomach is so against me today -__-*

Looking back those last few days, I really can't blame anyone for the detestable flu but myself. If I had gone to bed a few hours earlier and kept a healthier diet, I probably still would be genki right now.

So! It's decided! I shall wake up at 9:30 tomorrow and change my messed up biological clock back to normal!!

Now, to tend to my poor little stomach...

Monday, March 10, 2003

So what's the deal of having some boy saving a fair maiden in distress as themes for anime?

Yes, that's what I've observed from seeing three anime series with similar themes: Full Metal Panic!, Tokyo Underground, and Flame of Recca.

Well, Full Metal Panic! is a different story, but I really wouldn't have watched the other two if I wasn't just checking out the voice of Seki Tomokazu. Of all the anime I've seen, I have yet to go for something like this. I mean, there's nothing wrong with stories of a young and brave hero saving a beautiful girl from danger and stuff, but seeing two of them in one day is a bit too much. Not to mention that their whole plot line is rather lame...

As of now, I'm scratching Tokyo Underground and Flame of Recca from my to-see list.

Now, if there's something out there with a role reversal, where the girl isn't so powerless compared to the lead male.

I guess Gunparade March is the closest series to that right now. Mai seems pretty tough, and I look forward to how Hayami, the warm-natured good boy that everyone likes, will soften her cold exterior. I have high hope for Gunparade March. Definitely on the top of the fav. list with Gundam SEED :)

Saturday, March 08, 2003

Having a cold is not the best thing in the world.

Anyway, I had a talk with the head of the web team and I'm very looking forward to what we're going to accomplish!

...Which also reminds me once again of my current state of joblessness. The sooner I get a job, the faster I can get my Mum and my brother off my back. They complain and runt on everyday as though I don't care at all! -__-***

Speaking of which, gotta phone the Stanley Park Tourism office on Monday about the position, check out the info regarding e-Bay opening an office in Burnaby, fax more resumes...

Ack! And I gotta finish setting up the online shopping feature for 5B2F next week!! >__< There are also the fics to read through, as well as Slayers SEED to submit...

I work best under pressure. I can do them.. ^__^

Friday, March 07, 2003

After something like 2 hrs of struggling and wrestling with the code, I've finally managed to change the look to my liking! (well, somewhat...)

Introducing the so-called, Asuran Theme!

The archive part on the left is supposed to be Lacus Themed, but I guess it won't show until there's actually something to be archived...

Yes, I do realize that it doesn't look very good in IE, but I use Mozilla myself, and it doesn't look all that bad to me. Since this is my blog, created and maintained by me for my own purposes, as long as it looks fine to me, I'm sticking with this format.

Why don't I just use tables and get everything perfectly in less than 10 mins? Because I like to adhere to the standard, even it's just a blog. I may not be adept in using css and the div tag, but I try my best.

Thursday, March 06, 2003

It's been a looooong time since I last attempted a blog (and my Blogger account was deleted due to inactivity).

At any rate, I hope to establish this blog and keep it for as long as I can manage.

What will be posted here? Hmm, I dunno... Maybe my thoughts on the episodes I watch during the day, or words I learn, or... well, random stuff.

, Handsome Puppy!